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City Council meeting November 21, 1.994 <br />Page 3 <br />the south, and recommended that this request be tabled to allow time for a <br />surveyor to take road measurements to obtain a profile for site <br />distances. The City also need additional right-of-way because of the <br />curve on Ingersoll Avenue. <br />LerOUX made motion, Barnes seconded, to table the Youngs` request to allow <br />them time to provide a road profile for site distances, and determine the <br />need for additional right-of-way because of the curve on Ingersoll Avenue. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The Council stated that they had no objection to issuance of the variance, <br />as requested. <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION/VARIANCE (DANNER) <br />Mr. William Culp, 1.4707 Irish Ave.. North requested to subdivide a 20 acre <br />parcel in Section 23, T31N, R21W, :into two, ten acre parcels. The <br />frontage of this property on Irish Avenue will not allow two lots with the <br />300' road frontage, as required by City ordinance. The applicant is <br />requesting a variance to allow 276.76' of public road frontage for each <br />parcel. Perc tests have been performed on each site, and applications <br />submitted to Washington County for determination of adequate septic sites, <br />though no approval has been received by the City. The lot split has been <br />approved by the Rice Creek Watershed District. The Planning Commission <br />considered this request at their meeting of November .16, 1994, and <br />recommended approval. <br />Miran made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the minor subdivision of <br />William Ci.►lp, to subdivide 20 acres into two 10 acre lots subject to the <br />condition that the property owner provide the City evidence of approved <br />septic sites for each .lot. from Washington County. Because an existing <br />garage located on Parcel A will be located 19.9' rather than 20' because <br />of the subdivision, a one foot variance is also approved. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PUBLIC HEARING (WASTE COLLECTION ORDINANl1E) <br />A public_ hearing was held to consider the adoption of a Solid Waste <br />Ordinance regulating the collection and disposal of mixed municipal solid <br />waste in the City of Hugo. This Ordinance addresses mandates of the State <br />of Minnesota requiring collection and recycling of solid waste in the <br />community. There are still legal issues outstanding regarding the City's <br />responsibility regarding farm waste, and staff recommended that final <br />action on the Ordinance be delayed Until December 5, 1994 to allow <br />resolution of these issues. The public hearing was opened, and general <br />discussion continued on the proposed ordinance. The hearing was called to <br />discussion, and the following motion was made: <br /> made motion, Barnes seconded, to table review of the proposed <br />ordinance until the meetinq of December 5. 1994. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />