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City Council meeting of F=ebruary 16, 199:0 <br />Page <br />Miron made motion, Leroux; seconded, to table adoption of the proposed <br />ordinance until the Council meeting of March 1, 1993, to allow the City <br />Attorney time to review the ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />POLICE CONTRACT <br />Based on Council concerns and questions regarding the contract between the <br />City of Hugo and the Washington County Sheriff's Department for the <br />provision of police services to the City, Sheriff Trudeau and C=aptains <br />Johnson and McGlothlin of the Sheriff's Department. were in attendance at <br />the meeting to discuss the contract. Concerns raised by the Council <br />include what services are required by 'law to be provided by the Sheriff to <br />the City. Why the contract only calls for two officers, when in actuality <br />the City receives 24-hour a day coverage throughout the year, and what <br />reports should the sheriff provide the City on a regular basis. It was <br />agreed upon that the Sheriff's office would provide the City with a <br />year-end report, which would address the concerns of the Council. <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the 1993 Washington County <br />Sheriff's Contract, and authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to sign <br />said Contract on behalf of the City of Hugo. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />E:LMCREST BRIDGE REPL_ACEM. T <br />The Council received an updated cost estimate from the engineer regarding <br />the replacement of a bridge on Elmcrest Ave. at Hardwood Creel:., <br />approximately 700 ft. south of 170th St. The engineer's revised estimate <br />for the project is $136,873.75, of which $64,240 .is eligible for state --aid <br />funding. Discussions with the City of Lino Lakes' road superintendent <br />indicated an interest by Lino Lakes to pursue this project, but funding <br />constraints would indicate that they would be unable to participate in <br />this project until 1994 at the earliest. If the C.::ounc:i.l wishes to pursue <br />this project, staff recommends that. the City of Hugo apply to Washington <br />County to act as an intermediary for scheduling of the state -aid ii,r..;ney and <br />a letter be sent to the City of Lino Lakes formally request:.i:nq their <br />participation in this project. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux; seconded, that the City of Hugo request that <br />Washington County Public Workact as an intermediary t:.r:)scheduling of the <br />state -aid money for the E:lmcrest. Avenue bridge replacement, and a letter <br />be sent to the City of Lino Lakes formally requesting their participation <br />in this project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LIQUID WASTE HAULER DISPOSAL STTE <br />The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has indicated an interest in <br />establishing a liquid waste hauler disposal site within the City of Hugo. <br />