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1993.03.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1993 CC Minutes
1993.03.01 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of March 1, 1993 <br />Page _ <br />WELL CONTRACT <br />On Tuesday, February 2=, 1993, the City received bids for construction of <br />a 24' x 18' water -supply well, in accordance with the engineer's <br />specifications, as part of the City's 1993 water -system improvement <br />project. Five bids were received, ranging in price from $52,885 to <br />$70,240. The City Engineer recommends awarding the project to E.H. Renner <br />Q< Sons of Elba. Fiver, MN., as low bidder, at a price of $52,885. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, to award the bid for construction of <br />a 24' x 18' water -supply well to E.H. Renner '1-: Sons, Inc., 15688 Jarvis <br />Street NW, Elba, Fiver, MN 55.3=0, in the amount of $52,885.00. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AMENDMENT TO BROWN'S CREEK WMO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br />The Council reviewed an amendment to the City's Joint Powers Agreement <br />with the BCWMO. The amendment would include the cite; of Oak. Park. Heights <br />in the organization, due to the recent annexation of a portion of Baytown <br />Township, which is located within the watershed. This is an action to <br />include representation of all local subdivisions, which are impacted by <br />the watershed management organization's policies and activities on the <br />Board of Directors. Staff recommends approval of the amendment. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the amendment to the <br />City's Joint Powers Agreement with the BCWMO, to include the city of Oak. <br />Park. Heights in the organization. The Mayor and Clerk etre authorized to <br />sign said Amendment on behalf of the City of Hugo. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LETTER REGARDING LAKEVIEW INN <br />James E. K:ellison of 4394 129th Street North has submitted a letter to the <br />City regarding a pending, SUP application for a change in ownership, and <br />continuing operation, of the Lakeview Inn .located on the north side of <br />Bald Eagle Lake. Mr. Kel1icon expressed concerns about the hours of <br />operation, sale of alcohol, parking, traffic congestion, sanitary <br />facilities, and general safety of pedestrians crossing 129th Street to the <br />Lakeview Inn's docks. The Lakeview Ing-, is in the process of being sold, <br />and the new owner has expressed an interest in obtaining a SUP to clarify <br />the facility's future, given that the operation is located in an area <br />zoned RR2, which does not permit commercial activity. The City received <br />an application (3/1/93) for a SUP, and Mr. Kellison is to be informed that <br />a public hearing would be held by the Planning Commission on 3/24/93. <br />PELOQUIN INDUSTRIAL PARM" FEASIBILII"Y STIt' y <br />On February 18, 1993, Mayor Stoltzman and the City Administrator met with <br />the owners of businesses located in the Pelocauin Industrial Parti... The <br />business owners indicated a strong interest in improving the industrial <br />park by the addition of sewer, water, and paved streets. This industrial <br />
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