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City Council meeting of April 19, 1993 <br />Page _ <br />DMH AMBULANCE SERVICE <br />Mr. Joseph Graff appeared before the Council to brief them on the DMH's <br />ambulance service, and, specifically, the possibility of a Joint Powers <br />Agreement for future operation of the ambulance service. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux; seconded, the Mayor Stolt man be appointed to <br />represent the City of Hugo at a meeting to be held on May 6th to discuss <br />the feasibility of formulating an "Ambulance Task Force" to explore <br />options available to provide for the health and welfare of residents. <br />Debra Barnes will serve as an alternate. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HUGO FIREMAN `.S RELIEF ASSN _CHAR I TAQLE_-GAMHL I 1 !G _L 1 [TErJ'SE <br />The Hugo Fireman's Relief Association requested a charitable gambling <br />license in order to conduct a raffle on June 6th as part of the Hugo Lions <br />Club Good Neighbor Days celebration. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, approving the charitable gambling <br />license for the Hugo Fireman's Relief Association to conduct a raffle on <br />June 6, 1993, as a part of Good Neighbor Days. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WATER SUPPLY WELL #2 <br />Miron made motion, Stolt man seconded, to approve change order #1 placing <br />the well -depth in the Shakopee aquifer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BALL FIELD_FENCE SOUOTES) <br />Last Fall, the City of Hugo received a complaint from a property owner <br />living on the east side of Fitzgerald Avenue that balls from the City's <br />softball field were routinely bouncing off his garage, and at one time, <br />had broken a window on the garage. Council. directed staff to review <br />options in establishing a fence along the west side of Fitzgerald Avenue <br />to block balls from crossing the street.. Ouotes have been received from <br />three firms for the construction of an N' fence along Fitzgerald Avenue, <br />which ranged from $2,615 to $2,935. In discussing this issue with the <br />White Bear ',....ak:e sc.:h'tc:ol district sl.lfllfTter recreation program's manager, it <br />was the staff's conclusion that installation of this fence would not solve <br />the problem of balls crossing Fitzgerald Avenue. The reason for t:hi., is <br />that according to information received from the school district, the <br />desired outfield -fence distance from home plate is 00', and there is only <br />275' available from the plate to the roadway. The school district's <br />estimate is that an 8' fence would catch approximately 50% of the balls <br />that are now currently entering the complainant's property. To resolve <br />this concern, the school district has agreed to schedule adult softball <br />