City Council meeting of June 7, 1.49
<br />Page _.
<br />Leroux made motion, Barney seconded, to approve the request. of Patrick
<br />Farrell, 5218 Frenchman Road, to construct a 24' „ 24' garage detached
<br />garage. Proposed garage is to be used for residential purposes only.
<br />All aye. Motion Carried.
<br />SF'k:C IAL... I..ISE F'EF:M l: l" (SUESS )
<br />Mr. Fredric J. Suess, 5725 165th "tet. has requested a special use permit to
<br />process: and store firewood, recycle gree waste, conduct chipping and
<br />burning operations, and stockpile wood on his property located at the E
<br />1/2 of the SW 1/4, and the SIJ 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 8, T_:iN, R21W,
<br />Washington County. This area is currently zoned Industrial. It. is Mr.
<br />Suess' intention to seal the property to Thommes. & Thomas Land Clearing
<br />once a SUP is granted. The Planning Commission considered this request on
<br />May 26, 1993, and recommended approval subject to special conditions..
<br />Leroux made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to approve the request. of Fredric
<br />Suess., on behalf of Thommes & Thoma, Land Clearing, for a SUP to process
<br />and store firewood, recycle tree waste, conduct chipping and burning
<br />operations, and stockpile wood on his property located at the E 1./2 of the
<br />SW 1/4., and the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 8, T::IN, R21W, subject to
<br /><<.1-ec.ial conditions that are on file in the office of the City Clerk.
<br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Leroux, Stolt man
<br />ABSTAINED: Miron
<br />Mot -..ion Carried.
<br />Mr. John E. Olsen, 14728 Irish Ave. North, has requested renewal of a
<br />special use permit to store and process firewood at his propF.rrty .Located
<br />in the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 23 T31N, F:21W. Mr. Olsen has held
<br />such a SUP for a number of years. The Planning Commission considered his
<br />request. on May 25, 1993, and recommended renewal of the permit subject to
<br />special. conditions.
<br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, to renew the SUP for John E. Olsen,
<br />14728 Irish Avenue, to store and process firewood _1t his property located
<br />in the SE .1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 23, T31N, R21W, subject to special
<br />conditions that are on file in the office of the t::::.i:.,: Clerk.
<br />All _eye. Motion Carried.
<br />Wi'�:ati]:iJC=)TC:11V COLI{'JTY' F'AF:k::S COr�P1l SS1OhJ
<br />Mr. Clyde McCaske'y, District 1 representative on the Washington Co;_►►tit
<br />Parks Commission, appeared before the City Council describing the parks
<br />located in the County. It was suggested that. the Coity obtain a copy of
<br />the County's "Master Flan" for their parks to be _.►sec; in conjunction with
<br />revision of Hugo's comprehensive elan.
<br />