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City Council meeting of June 7, 1993 <br />Page 4 <br />STREET VACAT 1. <br />Mr' James Merila, representing the developers of the Rice Lake Meadows <br />Subdivision, has requested the vacation of a portion of roadway located at <br />the northeast quadrant of 145th St' and Geneva Ave. No. The street area <br />in question was platted as part of Rice Lake Meadows, 1st Addition' <br />During approval of the Rice Lake Meadows Plat, concerns were expressed <br />regarding the safety of the curve planned for that intersection' In the <br />application for development of Phase 2 of the subdivision, the developer <br />intends to provide a standard 90 degree turn at that location, making the <br />area proposed for vacation redundant as a street' Staff recommends <br />establishing a hearing date for the proposed vacation at the Council <br />meeting of June 21, 1993. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded, to schedule a public hearing for <br />June 21, 1993, at 7:10 PM, to consider the vacation of a portion of <br />roadway located at the northeast quadrant of 145th Street and Geneva <br />Avenue North, located in the Rice Lake Meadows, 1st Addition subdivision' <br />All Aye. Motion Carried' <br />City Engineer, Howard Kuusisto, was present at the Council meeting to <br />discuss the current status of the City's surface management plan. <br />During final planning of the utilities to serve the Country Ponds <br />Subdivision, it was discovered that the water available may not be <br />adequate for standard fire flows. The City Engineer indicated that fire <br />flows as low as 400 to 500 gallons per minute may be experienced in the <br />southern portion of the development' The standard requirement is for 600 <br />gallons per minute. Three options are under review by staff: <br />1. No corrections are made to the City's water system and the deve1opment <br />be allowed to proceed' <br />2. The developer be required to loop the watermain from Country Ponds <br />along the 135th St. axis west to the watermain under construction by <br />the City. <br />3' The City, as part of the Development Agreement, construct a watermain <br />from the Bald Eagle Industrial east along 130th St', then north along <br />the east side of trunk Highway 61' <br />The Council will need to make a decision on this matter at the time of <br />final plat approval for Country Ponds' <br />Low bid for the planned watermain connection, between the existing and <br />planned water tower, was $435,528.77, by Arcon Construction' The City <br />Engineer recommends acceptance of the bid. <br />