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City Council meeting of June 1, 1993- <br />Page <br />..9'Pcage 6 <br />to the Board of Zoning Adjustments. Staff recommends the Council <br />advertise notice of the vacancy on the Planning Commission and establish <br />an interview board to make recommendations to the City Council on the <br />appointment of a successor. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded, to accept the resignation of the <br />Bill Mezzano from the Hugo Planning Commission. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, that the City advertise notice of <br />the vacancy on the Planning Commission, and Theodora Peltier, Jim Leroux, <br />and Bob Museus interview applicants and make a. recommendation to the <br />Council on the appointment of a successor. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />JOINT MEETING WITH LINO LAKES CITY COUNCIL <br />Based on discussions between the Cit:.: Administrator and staff at the City <br />of Lino Lakes, a joint meeting of the Lino Lake and Hugo City Councils is <br />recommended to discuss issues of Joint concern, including Eimcres.t Ave., <br />Clearwater Creek: drainage area, and development plans for the Anok•.a. County <br />14, Washington County 8 corridor. The Council directed the City <br />Administrator to establish a meeting date acceptable to both parties. <br />Jl.1l....Y ' TH SETTLEMENT C-ONF'E-B 'rJQ <br />Mr. Jim Golembeck informed the City that a sett'.lement conference has been <br />scheduled for July 9th, 1993 at .1.:00PM, at the Washington County <br />Courthouse, in an effort to resolve litigation between the City and Fiver <br />Cite- Asphalt prior to its scheduled trial date of September 20, 1993. Mr. <br />Golembeck has requested that the Mayor, a Council member, and the City <br />Administrator attend the settlement conference. <br />SEXUAL HARASSMENT POS.ICY <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to adopt t;-cE.': SE✓.`.•(ual. Harassment Policy <br />as drafted by the City Administrator. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The City staff must attend a training ses.sion r-eg ar dinq thisissue on July <br />8, 1.99= ,' at 7:00 PM. <br />F I F;E CH l: EF APPO.1' NTMENT <br />On January 4, 1993, the Hugo City Council appointed Ron Tstwanovich7, as <br />fire chief; Jim Compton, as Assistant. Chief; and Ron Camra:;: as second <br />assistant chief for a period of six months. The C:i.':_y Administrator <br />recommends that Jim Compton and Ron Gray be reappointed to their positions <br />for the balance of 1993, and that Mr. Jim Wisner be appointed actino fire <br />chief until such time as a permanent appointment be made. Staff <br />