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1993.08.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1993 CC Minutes
1993.08.16 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of August 16, 1993 <br />Page 2 <br />COUNTRY PONDS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />On August 2, 1993, the City Council considered the Development Agreement <br />between the City of Hugo and Arlington Properties for development of a <br />subdivision known as Country Ponds. Public comment was received leaving <br />concerns that there were requirements placed on Arlington Properties by <br />the RCWD for improvement to a certain ditch draining the property. Staff <br />contacted the watershed district to determine what requirements, if any, <br />had been placed on Arlington Properties by the district. The RCWD <br />informed the City that no special restrictions or conditions had been <br />placed on the Country Ponds development. After further discussion, there <br />was still a question as to whether Rice Creek granted the permit with the <br />understanding that Hugo was going to be responsible for overseeing the <br />ditch cleaning. <br />Miron made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to table approval of the <br />Development Agreement until the following issues are addressed: current <br />ground water elevations and ditch -cleaning responsibility. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SUNSET LANE RIDGE (PRELIMINARY PLAT) <br />Gary Vizenor, representing the developer, explained the latest proposal <br />for platting, whereby only one lot would be substandard to the five acre <br />requirement. There was discussion about the need for a drainage plan, and <br />Mr. Vizenor stated that he understood such a plan would be required, and <br />that work would be started as soon as they had preliminary plat approval. <br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, to grant preliminary plat approval for <br />the Sunset Lake Ridge subdivision, subject to development of an approved <br />drainage plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />O'MARA SETTLEMENT <br />In 1991, the City constructed improvements to Harrow Avenue in front of <br />16337 Harrow Avenue as part of the City's CIP Phase 2 program. Bill <br />O'Mara, the property owner, complained to the City that the improvements <br />resulted in increased water retention on his property, enlarging a pond on <br />the southwest corner of his lot. Staff requested that Mr. O'Mara provide <br />the City a cost -estimate for filling the area to his satisfaction. Mr. <br />O'Mara's estimate from A & B Construction is $2,225.00. Staff recommended <br />reimbursing Mr. O'Mara to a maximum amount of $2,225.00 for correcting the <br />drainage problems on his lot, subject to a release signed by Mr. O'Mara <br />holding the City harmless for any future drainage problems on his <br />property, and also, that Mr. O'Mara hold the City harmless from any <br />results of the filling. Mayor Stoltzman asked for a sketch of the <br />proposed work, but none was available. He also inquired where the excess <br />water, would go (adjoining property?). <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to table this matter to allow staff to <br />review and submit a plan to the Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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