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City Council meeting of September 2C.), 1993 <br />Rage 2 <br />Braun Intertec presented the Council background on how ground water <br />elevations are determined. Larry Olson, representing Arlington <br />Properties, explained to the Council how the developer intends to <br />implement the City standard with the information they have received from <br />Braun. There was continued discussion on the necessity of cleaning the <br />ditch. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the Development Agreement <br />between the City of Hugo and Arlington Properties, for the subdivision <br />known as COUNTRY PONDS, and direct City staff to work with the developers <br />in an attempt to have them clean the ditch to the extent previously <br />offered. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Leroux made motion, Stoltzman seconded, directing City staff to develop a <br />policy that addresses the following: <br />1. No Building Permit to be issued until the surface drainage and <br />erosion -control measures for each phase in a development are in place. <br />I') Spot checks of surface elevations for construction to be conducted by <br />the City Engineer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (STOLTZMAN) <br />Mayor Stoltzman removed himself from his position on the Council. Lee Ann <br />Bocwinski, attorney for Mr. Stoltzman, addressed the Council regarding the <br />City Attorney's response to their proposal. After a long discussion to <br />resolve points in the Agreement, the following motion was made: <br />Miran made motion, Barnes seconded, to table this matter until the meeting <br />of October 4, 1993, allowing time for the attorneys to discuss conditions <br />of the Settlement Agreement. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PUBLIC SAFETY SIREN <br />In 1989, the City reviewed expansion of its public safety warning system; <br />specifically, the addition of four additional sirens located throughout <br />the heavier populated areas of the community. At that time, a cost <br />estimate, prepared by Federal Warning Systems, indicated the total cost <br />for the system expansion would be $53,864.00. Wilson Tool indicated to <br />the City a concern that the single -existing siren located in Hugo does not <br />adequately serve their place of business, and has requested the addition <br />of a siren in their vicinity. Currently, the City has $16,320 set aside <br />for the siren -development programa and City staff recommended the addition <br />of a siren on the new water tower being constructed at the intersection of <br />130th Street and Falcon Avenue. This siren would serve residents from <br />120th Street to 140th Street, and from Elmcrest Avenue to Goodview Avenue, <br />encompassing the Bald Eagle Industrial Parti;, Lake Air Estates, Bald Eagle <br />