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City Council meeting of February 18, 1992 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY OFFICE FACILITY <br />In February of 1989, the City Council approved a request to permit <br />temporar•; office facilities west of City Hall to accommodate the needs of <br />the volunteer Fire Department. A permit was issued, at that time, with <br />the understanding that the facility in question would be temporary in <br />nature, and more permanent facilities would be planned to meet the Fire <br />Department needs. The temporary structure was put in place, and has been <br />utilized by the Fire Department. The temporary structure permit expired <br />in February of 1991, and should be renewed, if the Council intends to <br />allow this facility to remain on site. Currently, the City Council is <br />considering the possibility of moving City Hall to an alternate location, <br />which would free up the existing City Hall facility as a permanent home <br />for the Hugo Fire Dept. <br />Stolt man made motion, Jesinski seconded, to renew the temporary building <br />permit for an additional year, allowing the Hugo Volunteer Fire Department <br />to use the facilities for another year. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />COMMUNITY CENTER STUDY GROUP <br />Mayor Stolt man has requested an opportunity to discuss the City of Hugo <br />participating with surrounding communities in the development of a <br />community center. <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, directing the City staff to contact <br />the City of White Bear Lake informing them that the City of Hugo is not in <br />a position to participate in the development of a community center. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />1992 POLICE SERVICE CONTRACTS <br />The Council received a copy of the 1992 Contract for Law Enforcement <br />Services, as submitted by the Washington County Sheriff's Dept. This <br />Contract is slightly different than contracts from previous years, in that <br />the fee for services is a fixed -dollar amount, and will not be adjusted at <br />the end of each calendar year. Section 2, Item 2, will be amended to <br />reflect four officers rather than two. The contract price of $208,514.80 <br />will be reduced by the total cost of the squc.d car purchased by the City. <br />This credit is made on the first quarter billing to the City. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to �-,ppro%,e the 1992 Contract for Law <br />Enforcement Services, between the City of Hugo and Washington Coun;:y, -ind <br />authorize the Mayor to sign said Contract on behalf of the City. <br />All a --.,,e. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINT CONSULTANT (RFP FEASIBILITY REPORT) <br />On February 5, 1992, the City Council interviewed six architectural firms <br />being considered for preparation of the Rice Lake Park building <br />feasibility report. The intent of the interviews was to discuss the scope <br />