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City Council meeting of ,lune 15. 1992 <br />Paoe <br />Miron made motion, BrUnotte seconded, Authorizing the Citi Administrator <br />to determine if the $2,000 deposit made by Dean Atkinson to cover the cost <br />of City inspections should be returned to him. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RIVER CITY ASPHALT <br />Richard Carron, representing River City Asphalt, addressed the Council <br />about his operation. The public hearing was then called to order, and a <br />number of residents addressed the Council with the followinq objections: <br />noise, smell, and traffic because of the asphalt plant, no longer an <br />appropriate use in, basically, a residential area, and 'loss of property <br />value. Ed Waller spoke on behalf of the operation, stating that the <br />gravel -pit operation has been there a long time, and they should be <br />allowed to deplete the property of the resoc.trce. Darrel Hansen, property <br />owner of the pit, hoped that the City would allow mining of the land, and <br />then the property could be subdivided. Allen Barnard, attorney for RCA, <br />addressed the Council stating that they should be allowed to continue <br />their mining operation, as in the past, because it has been A long-time <br />operation, and a substantial amount of money has been spent for the <br />operation. The public hearing was closed, and members of the Council felt <br />that a rock crusher and asphalt plant was not allowed in the agriculture <br />zoning district. The Council then reviewed RCA's existino M.inina Permit <br />to bring it up-to-date with the major change being the deletion of the <br />rock: crusher and asphalt plant from the Mining Permit. Because of a <br />"hang-up" on certain language, the administrator offered to make changes <br />in the permit and present it to the Council for their review. <br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, to postpone action on the request of <br />River City Asphalt to renew their existing Mining Permit until the City <br />:ounczl frtE•etiriu o7 JUly 6, 1'-�92, to allow LA-fite t,or the 1 i.ty staff to <br />develop appropriate language. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, to rescind the motion approving <br />renewal of the Mining Permit for Dean Atkinson to allow for further <br />consideration, as it relates to stockpiling. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Leroux made motior Barnes seconded, to F.:,(.-js.t.r;rn(F act -Lon or --i the Application <br />of Dean Atkinson to renew his Mining_ Per -sit -..tnt.i.: ti --,e C;it•; ('.. ., mc --tins <br />Of July 6. 1992. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HENNA AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS <br />The Council tabled a decision on the proposed Henna A,.el")Ue i.rr-sprovements <br />following the public hearing conducted on jUne 1, 199`x. And requested <br />additional information from the Cit.:, `qtr--tff. . The C'r_,Unc-.i. 1. ' s decision at <br />this time is to determine. if the project. .is fi.nanc.ial.l, fFas&ible, And if <br />