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City Council meeting of June 15, .1.442 <br />Page 4 <br />fire hall. He has requested NO PARKING signs along the south side of <br />i.46th street and the east side of Finley Avenue to alleviate this problem. <br />He has talked to abutting property owners, who stated that they have no <br />objection to the request. Fast practice of the City Council has been not <br />to conduct a hearing on parking signs, though a hearing woUld allow <br />possible other public interest in the issue to be heard. Given the <br />legitimate concern of the city to have clear lanes for fire vehicles to <br />protect the public's safety, and the lack of objection from neighboring <br />property owners, a hearing is probably not called for. <br />Miron made motion, LeroUX seconded, directing the City staff to place NO <br />PARKING BETWEEN SIGNS along a south portion of 146th Street, and NO <br />PARKING signs along the east side of Finley Avenue, as requested by the <br />Hugo Fire Chief. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE FOR OVERSIZED GARAGE (BRIDGES) <br />Dave Bridges, 7424 Xerxes Ave. North has requested a variance to construct <br />an oversized oarage at his residence located at 13455 Elmcrest Avenue. <br />Given the house and oarage are both new construction, the large --lot size <br />(7.2 acres), and that the garage as proposed meets all other requirements <br />of the City's Zoning Ordinance, staff recommends af:;proval of the <br />application. <br />Miron made motion, BrUnotte seconded, to approve the variance request. of <br />Dave Bridoes to construct an oversized attached oarage at his residence <br />located at 1455 Elmcrest Avenue. The proposed garage is to be Used for <br />residential purposes only. <br />Al aye. Motion Carried. <br />COMPLAINT ON 14645 FOREST BLVD <br />The Council's Ordinance Violation Committee will make a recommendation on <br />the complaint filed on junk. cars bei.nq stored at 14645 Forest Blvd. <br />Councilman Brunotte inspected the site and found debris and numerous <br />unlicensed vehicles. City Attorney; stated that there is a nui=:once <br />abatement procedure available to remedy this situation. <br />Stoltzman roiade notion. Miron seconded, to .;_xtend the meet.ino past l:c:►c"� <br />PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REPORT BY DAVID T RUAX (BROWN'S CF E:E K, WATF_RSHFO ) <br />Dave Truax, the City's representative to the Brown'E- C:re Wat.c.rsl-sed <br />Management Organization, addressed the Council Updat.ina them abocit the <br />watershed organization's progress and programs. <br />