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City Council meeting of July 6, 1992 <br />Page 3 <br />5. Provide to the City the financial gUar-antee required by the <br />Development Agreement. <br />6. Developer to provide the City with a 30' utility easement south to <br />Outlot B. <br />7. Proper signatures shall be affixed to said Development Agreement. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BIRCH TREE PONDS 4TH ADDITION <br />Merila and Associates has made application to the City, on behalf of James <br />and Elaine Merila, for approval of the 4th and final addition of Birch <br />Tree Ponds subdivision. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans for the <br />4th Addition, and recommended approval. A proposed Development Agreement, <br />between the City of Hugo and James and Elaine Merila, was submitted to the <br />Council for their review. At issue would be the $.90/ft seal coat fund <br />deposit. Again, this amount is insufficient to pay for the first seal <br />coat for this project. Council action would be to approve the final plat, <br />and approve the Development Agreement. <br />Stolt man made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve BIRCH 'TREE FONDS 4TH <br />ADDITION, for the subdivision of 13.48 acres into 26 residential lots. <br />Approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. The deposit of $5,00i_► to cover future City expenses for this project. <br />2. Pay to the City the required park. land dedication fee in the amount of <br />$4, 55i.►. pc_► . <br />3. Make the required deposit to the City's seal coat fund in the amount <br />of $2,327,50. <br />4. Provide the City with a financial guarantee required in the <br />Development Agreement. <br />5. Proper signatures be affixed to said Development Agreement" <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PURCHASE OF OPTIC-SCAN VOTING MACHINES <br />The Council received a request from the Citi! Clerk to purchase four (4) <br />Optic-Scan voting machines for the City of Hugo. Washington County is <br />converting to the optic-scan system, effective in 1994 elections. The <br />City will be required to purchase such systems prior to that date. The <br />purchase of the used-system, as recommended by the Clerk;, would save the <br />City approximately $13,000, and allow the new machines to be used during <br />the 1992 elections. This system saves the City Clerk: and the election <br />judges substantial time in compiling and deter-fninine vote counts. <br />Miron made motion, Sto l tzman seconded, iii r ct.i.riy Lit., staff to p:..►rchase <br />four (4) optic-scan voting mach.:.nes for u=F if-, this vp&ir`__, election. at a <br />cost of approximately 20,500.00. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />