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City Council meeting of October 19, 1992 <br />Page <br />In response, staff has received quotes from three firms for construction <br />of an outfield fence for the softball field. The WEAL School District and <br />the Hugo Lions have been contacted to determine if they would be willing <br />to participate in the construction of this fence. Goth have indicated an <br />unwillingness to do so. If this matter is of Council concern, staff <br />recommends accepting the low bid of $3,246.50 from Midwest Fence for <br />construction of a 6' chain link: outfield fence. Payment of the fence <br />would be made from the park fund, which was a concern of some of the <br />Council. After discussion of this matter, the Council felt that they <br />needed more information before making a decision. <br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, to delay action on this matter until <br />the meeting of November 16, 1992, at which time the following information <br />is to be provided: sketch plan with the right-of-way lines, the park <br />limits, and the ballfield limits, with the houses shown. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SCHUMANN SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />On October 14, 1992, the Hugo Planning Commission conducted a public <br />hearing regarding the application of Carol and David Schumann for a SUP <br />to <br />operate a auto dismantling yard and auto repair business on their property <br />located at 7630 137th Street No. This is in compliance with the <br />Settlement Agreement, between the City of Hugo and the Schumann's, <br />regarding the current litigation surrounding the Schumann's business. <br />The <br />PC has recommended issuance of a SUP under the conditions specified on <br />the <br />proposed permit. Mr. Druce Faulken, representing adjoining property <br />owner, Dr. Robert M::ieffer, addressed the Council with his concerns for <br />the <br />issuance of the SUP. Darrell Granger, operator of Granger's Auto Body, <br />voiced his concerns about loss of his business to "backyard businesses". <br />He stated that their corporation pays approximately $22,000 per year in <br />real estate taxes, placing an unfair tax burden on properly zoned <br />businesses. Dr. Kieffer also addressed the Council with his concerns <br />Councilman Bri_tfintt- asked Mr. Schumann if the conditions nl-:ced r-^ him <br />i- <br />the 3UP met :-ii. tpproval, and Mr. Schumann responded affirmaciveiy. <br />Leroux made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the SUP for David and <br />Schumann, 7630 137th Street North, to operate an auto dismantling yard and <br />auto repair business on their property. Approval is subject to the nine <br />conditions on record in the office of the City Clerk. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />STOLTZMAN COMPLAINT <br />On October 5, 1992, the City Council received a report from Loucks and <br />Associates, a consulting/planning firm, regarding the complaint filed <br />against Walter Stoltzman conduct of business on his property located at <br />8221 157th Street. The Council tabled a decision on the report for <br />further consideration. Mrs. Laura Stoltzman addressed the Council stating <br />that there were numerous discrepancies in Loucks' report regarding the <br />landfill operated by her and her husband, Walter W. Stoltzman. Mayor <br />Stoltzman removed himself from the Council bench, and addressed the <br />Council as a resident of the City of Hugo. <br />