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City Council meeting of December 21, 199:' <br />Page _ <br />Barnes made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to approve the request of Northern <br />Natural Gas to amend the previously approved site plan for their expansion <br />on a gas regulator and meter facility located at 6.310 175th Street North. <br />Amendment is required due to certain engineering and pipeline location <br />changes during the construction process. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SITE FLAN FEVIIEW (WEISNER). <br />The Weisner's received site plan approval from the City on 10/06/86 for <br />construction of an additional 4(=)' x EXY building on their property. They <br />are in the process of selling their business, and want assurance that the <br />new owners will be able to construct the second buildinq. Because six; <br />years has lapsed since approval, staff is requesting Council review with a <br />recommendation for the Weisner's request. Mr. Weisner was present and <br />stated that the existing and proposed building would continue to be used <br />as a body shop. <br />Leroux: made motion, Barnes seconded, that the original site plan, as <br />approved by the City on 1C)/(--)6/86, is still valid. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />COMPREHENSIVE FLAN SURVEY <br />Judy Marshek of Research Quick submitted to the Council a proposal for <br />conducting a survey as part of the City's Comprehensive Flan review <br />process. The Council took the matter under advisement. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT APPOINTMENT <br />Eased on Council request, the City Administrator interviewed Mr. Ron <br />Istvanovich, Jr., as part of the appointment procedure for membership on <br />the Hugo Volunteer Fire Dept. The City Administrator stated that Ron <br />Istvanovich, Jr., met all the requirements of the department, and <br />recommended his appointment on the department. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Leroux: seconded, to appoint Ron Istvanovich, Jr., <br />to the Hugo Volunteer Fire Department effective 12/21/92. subject to the <br />required six: --month probationary period. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />199-_i APPOINTMENT REVIEW <br />Staff requests Council guidance on the preparation of recommendations for <br />the annual. appointment of various officers and agencies for the ('-'it,/ of <br />Hugo. Appointments to be made in January as as follows: <br />1. Designation of depositories for City funds. <br />2. Designation of the official newspaper. <br />. Appointment. of City Engineer. <br />