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2016.08.15 CC Packet
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2016.08.15 CC Packet
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Last modified
8/15/2016 2:22:12 PM
Creation date
8/15/2016 2:12:33 PM
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GA Approve Resignation of Firefighter Michael Wamsley <br />On August 2, 2016, probationary Firefighter Michael Wamsley submitted his letter of resignation <br />from the Hugo Fire Department. Fire Chief Kevin Colvard recommends Council accept the <br />resignation of Michael Wamsley from the Hugo Fire Department. <br />G.5 Approve Amendments to the Hugo Firefighters Relief Association Bylaws <br />On June 28, 2016, the membership of the Hugo Firefighter's Relief Association approved <br />changes to their bylaws and are seeking City Council ratification. The primary reason for <br />amending bylaws is to incorporate any change in the lump -sum benefit level. The benefit level <br />was increased to $3,300 per year of service earlier this year. But the membership also made a <br />number of other changes. Most of the changes were small housekeeping measures, but some of <br />them carry some significance. City staff has reviewed the bylaws as presented and recommends <br />Council ratification. <br />G.6 Approve Resolution Approving Interim Use Permit for Bolicek-9480 140' Street <br />The applicant is requesting approval of an interim use permit for a home occupation for a <br />brewing operation on property located at 9480 140th Street North. The property is 40 acres and <br />is located in the Agricultural zoning district. The applicant is allowed to ask for flexibility on six <br />of the general standards for home occupations since the proposed home occupation is located in <br />the rural area of the City. The applicant has requested flexibility on three of these standards, <br />which include flexibility on the use of accessory structures, number of vehicle trips, and number <br />of employees. It is in staff's opinion that the flexibility requested based on the general standards <br />is reasonable. Staff recommends approval of the resolution approving the home occupation <br />interim use permit for 9480 140th Street North. <br />G.7 Approve Resolution Approving Final Plat and Development Agreement for <br />Clearwater Cove 3rd Addition <br />D.R. Horton is requesting approval of a final plat in order to plat 14 residential lots and 1 outlot <br />on a 10 acre parcel located south of Frenchman Road (CSAH 8) and east of Everton Avenue <br />North. The site is currently a vacant outlot. The final plat will plat 14 lots from the approved <br />Clearwater Cove preliminary plat. There are no changes to the lots from the preliminary plat. <br />The lots meet the minimum lot standards and requirements outlined in the regulations for the <br />Clearwater Cove PUD. Staff recommends approval of the resolution approving the Final Plat and <br />Development Agreement for Clearwater Cove 3rd Addition. <br />G. 8 Approve Resignation of Administrative Intern Taylor Richter <br />Taylor Richter was hired on December 21, 2015 at the Administrative Intern. Taylor recently <br />accepted a position with the City of Maple Plain and will begin employment on August 23, 2016. <br />Staff recommends Council accept the resignation of Administrative intern Taylor Richter <br />effective August 19, 2016. <br />
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