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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 20,2016 <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br /> opportunity. She explained that Hugo residents mainly visit the Hardwood Creek Branch,which <br /> is located 6.1 miles north of City Hall. She provided statistics on items checked out and online <br /> access hours showing a high return on investments. The use of electronic books,magazines, and <br /> audiobooks continues to grow. These items are purchased per copy by the library and are more <br /> expensive than paper. Amy was happy to say they received 1,229 hours of volunteerism in 2015 <br /> and the three conference rooms at Hardwood Creek are often used. The library of tomorrow will <br /> still be a hub of community opportunity with lots of programing and services for all ages. Amy <br /> stated that the library appreciates the unique relationship with the Hugo Parks and Recreation <br /> Commission and the school district for library activities. <br /> Keith said the library would like to be involved with the City's future needs, and he thanked <br /> Council for their time. <br /> Commissioner Fran Miron provided an update on some of the activities at Washington County. <br /> He said he would be at the EDA meeting the following day to talk about significant issues on <br /> economic develop. He talked about the importance of the library plan and provided information <br /> on capital improvement projects in the County, stating they add value and provide safety <br /> elements. <br /> No formal action was taken. <br /> Approval of the Consent Agenda <br /> Miron made motion,Klein seconded,to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br /> 1. Approval of Claims <br /> 2. Approve Second Amendment to Lease for Bruce and Virginia Bernin at 6540 Greene Ave <br /> for an Extension Through June 1,2022 <br /> 3. Approve Temporary On-sale Liquor License for North Star Gay Rodeo on July 30-31, <br /> 2016 at Dead Broke Arena <br /> 4. Approve Variance Request of April Barnhart for Side Yard Setback located at 5368 145th <br /> Street North <br /> 5. Approve Final Pay Request to Pember Companies for 129'Street Bridge Project <br /> 6. Approve CUP Renewal for Thommes and Thomas Land Clearing <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Approval of Claims <br /> Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />