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Fire Half continued . . . <br /> The Fire Department is authorized 33 members who, in f. Compressor to refill air paks is located in garage with <br /> addition to responding to emergencies,participate in three-to- vehicle fumes. It should be located in separate room to <br /> five training sessions per month,maintain the Department's maintain clean air supply. <br /> equipment, and conduct fire prevention activities. All g. No exhaust system to remove vehicle fumes from garage <br /> Department members are either currently state certified fire 3. Structural defects. <br /> fighters, or in the case of new members, attending certification a. Cement block walls of current facility are cracking on sown <br /> training at area vocational-technical colleges.All fire fighters and west sides. <br /> are trained as medical first responders, and five are certified b. Floor drains do not operate in winter. <br /> emergency medical technicians (EMT). Though not a require- 4. Poor location. <br /> ment for the Department, all fire fighters are currently training a. Inadequate access to main roads. Fire fighters traveling to <br /> as EMT's. Department members average over 12 years of expe- the Fire Hall, and equipment responding to <br /> rience as fire fighters. emergencies, must use narrow residential streets. <br /> The Department has seven vehicles, from two-to-forty b. Fire Hall parking lot is also used for events held at the <br /> years old, with an average equipment age of over 18 years; they adjacent park, including softball tournaments, family <br /> include two pumper units,two water tankers, two grass fire rigs, gatherings and other affairs. This creates congestion for <br /> and a rescue truck. fire fighter responding to emergencies and apparatus leaving <br /> EXISTING FACILITY the Hall. <br /> The existing Fire Hall was built circa 1960,with an addi- 5. For the reasons stated above,the current facilities are <br /> tion built in 1967. It has five vehicle bays encompassing inadequate to serve the existing needs of the Department. <br /> approximately 2,200 square feet. A separate 12 X 66 trailer Community growth will place greater demands on the <br /> provides administration and storage space. A 24 X 26 wood- Department's personnel and equipment. <br /> frame garage was built in 1990 to provide two parking stalls for 6. Expansion and remodeling of the existing facility was <br /> grass fire vehicles and general storage; this building is also considered. At a cost of 50% to 60% of new construction, <br /> shared by the City's building and utility departments. many of the problems with the current facility and its <br /> The City Hall occupies 1,600 square feet of office space location would not be resolved. Garage doors and vehicle <br /> attached to the fire hall. bay heights would remain too low, limiting future equipment <br /> REASONS FOR A NEW FIRE HALL purchases; space would remain cramped; street access, <br /> 1. Lack of adequate space in current facility. congestion,and related safety problems would remi in. <br /> a.Vehicles are double parked in current facility,in some cases The existing building is in poor condition, and its curre. <br /> slowing response times. layout would substantially limit design options. <br /> b. Turn out gear is stored in cramped space behind vehicles, DESIGN CRITERIA FOR NEW BUILDING <br /> creating safety problems and congestion as fire fighters As part of the decision process to build a new Fire Hall,the <br /> don protective clothing and vehicles are readied to respond following minimum standards for the facility were determined <br /> to emergencies. by a committee made up of fire fighters,Planning Commission <br /> c. Two vehicles are stored away from main facility due to members, and the general public: <br /> lack of parking space. 1. Eight vehicle stalls <br /> d. Fire Department equipment is stored at a number of 2. Turnout gear storage area, adjacent to vehicle stalls,but with <br /> locations due to lack of storage space. enough room to safely put on gear without interfering with <br /> e. Training facility is too small to handle number of fire fighters vehicle operations. <br /> on the Department. 3. Enough room for hose cleaner and dryer(or hose drying <br /> f. Not enough office space. Four people share one small office tower) and needed equipment. <br /> with file cabinets, computers, equipment storage, etc. 4. Separate room for air pak and small equipment maintenance. <br /> g. Not enough room between equipment for people circulation. 5. Laundry facility. <br /> h. Inadequate space for equipment maintenance. 6. Shower/decontamination area. <br /> 2. Problems with current building. 7. Exhaust system for vehicle bays. <br /> a.Trailer used for training and office space has no toilet 8. Parts and equipment storage room. <br /> facilities or running water. 9. Garage doors should be at least 14 X 14. <br /> b. Garage doors are too short for modern equipment. 10.Adequate plumbing and drainage in bays for vehicle <br /> New equipment must be specially designed to fit. cleaning. <br /> c. No shower facilities for decontamination and clean-up. 11. Training room should be adequate, in size and ventilation, <br /> d. No hose dryer or hose tower to maintain equipment. Wet to handle 75 people. It should provide for modern <br /> hoses are now draped over rafters, or stacked along walls instructional techniques such as videos,projections, et( <br /> dripping onto floor. Proper hose care is a vital safety issue 12. Male and Female restrooms. <br /> to fire fighters. 13. Communications room with view of vehicle bays. <br /> e. Communication room does not have visibility into vehicle 14.Administrative space, including at least one private office, <br /> bays, slowing coordination within the Department and and additional room for three-to-four desks, file cabinet, <br /> between agencies. copier, etc. <br /> 15. Small kitchen area. <br />