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G.5 Approve Advertisement of Bids for the 2017 Seal Coating Prosect <br />Each year, the City of Hugo seal coats a portion of its bituminous roads. Staff seeks <br />authorization from the City Council to advertise and solicit bids through our City newspaper <br />and will hold the bid opening at 1:00 PM on March 22, 2017. This will be followed by the <br />Council considering bids in April. Work would take place during the months of July and <br />August. City staff recommends Council authorize advertisement of bid for the 2017 seal <br />coating project <br />G.6 Approve Authorization of Distribution of EAW for Public Comment - Adelaide <br />Landing <br />The Planning Commission and City Council reviewed a concept plan for the proposed residential <br />development, previously known as Terre De Leau, consisting of 324 housing units on <br />approximately 217 acres of land. The concept plan included property north of 130th Street and <br />east of Highway 61. The proposed project is large enough to trigger the mandatory EAW <br />requirement by State Statute. An EAW has been prepared and is complete to be sent out for <br />public comment. The first step of the review process is for the City Council to authorize staff to <br />distribute the EAW for public comment. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize <br />distribution of the EAW for public comment. <br />G.7 Approve Ordinance Repealing Hugo City Code, Section 38, Individual Sewage <br />Treatment Systems <br />City staff discussed the City's Individual Sewage Treatment System Ordinance after Washington <br />County stated the City's ordinance no longer made it possible to have Washington County review <br />and approve Hugo resident's septic applications. City staff found no need to create a new City <br />ordinance when the agreement with Washington County has been successful. Staff recommends <br />approval of an ordinance repealing Hugo City Code, Chapter 38, Article II, Individual Sewage <br />Treatment System. Upon repeal, the County's septic regulations will apply. Staff does not anticipate <br />any noticeable changes to the existing review, approval, and inspection activities. <br />G.8 Approve Resolution on Statutory Tort Liability Limits <br />In the late 1990's, the League of Minnesota Insurance Trust required each city that obtained <br />liability coverage from them to decide whether or not to waive the statutory tort liability limits to <br />the extent of the coverage purchased. At that time, the City Council opted not to waive the <br />statutory limits. LMCIT is requiring each member city to reaffirm their position regarding these <br />limits. Currently these limits are $ 500,000 per claimant and $ 1, 500,000 per occurrence. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the resolution on statutory tort liability limits. <br />G.9 Approve Agreement for Law Enforcement Services with Washington County <br />A revised Agreement for Law Enforcement Services with the Washington County Sheriff's Office <br />has been reviewed by the City. Minor revisions have been made to the agreement with the most <br />prevalent change being the inclusion of the position for a full-time investigator. Staff recommends <br />Council approve the Agreement for Law Enforcement Services with Washington County. <br />