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2016.05.16 CC Packet
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2016.05.16 CC Packet
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 2, 2016 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Approve Purchase of Playground Equipment for McCollar Park <br />At the City Council meeting of March 7, 2016, approval was given for the purchase of <br />playground equipment for the new park in the Fable Hill neighborhood in an amount totaling <br />$70,000. The total playground cost includes $50,000 from the Special Park Fund and a $20,000 <br />donation from the Fable Hill Homeowners Association. At the Parks, Recreation, and Open <br />Space Commission meeting of April 13, 2016, four vendors made proposals for the playground. <br />The neighborhood was invited to participate and assisted in the selection of equipment to include <br />structures for 2-5 year olds and 5-12 year olds, a Rev 8 spinning net, a play house, and adult <br />fitness equipment. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase and installation of <br />Burke play equipment proposed by St. Croix Recreation. <br />Approve Letter of Intent and Application for Met Council Stormwater Reuse Grant <br />The Met Council has grant funds available to implement water reuse projects. The Rice Creek <br />Watershed District will administer the grant funds on behalf of Met Council, and is currently <br />soliciting projects for consideration. City staff had prepared a grant application related to the <br />Waters Edge reuse system, along with a letter of intent, that need to be forwarded to RCWD in <br />order to be considered for grant funding. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />enclosed application and letter of intent for submission to RCWD. <br />Approve Appointment of Gina Duncanson as the Fire Marshal on the Hugo Fire <br />Department <br />Fire Chief Kevin Colvard had chosen Gina Duncanson to be appointed as the new fire marshal <br />on the Hugo Fire Department. The position was recently held by Firefighter Colin Emans, who <br />is now the training lieutenant. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of <br />Gina Duncanson as the fire marshal effective May 1, 2016. <br />Approve Appointment of Cathy Moore-Arcand to the Parks Commission <br />On April 19, 2016 Council interviewed three applicants for the vacancy on the Parks <br />Commission. This vacancy was created by the resignation of Cinde Morris. After discussion, <br />Council concluded Cathy Arcand was best fit for the position. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the appointment of Cathy Moore-Arcand to fill the vacancy on the Parks Commission <br />with a term to end on December 31, 2016. <br />Beaver Ponds Water Reuse Proiect <br />The City solicited bids for the Beaver Ponds water reuse project for irrigation of the park. Three <br />bids were received and opened on April 21, 2106. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided <br />background information on the project and described how it connected to the existing irrigation <br />system. Kennedy explained that neighbors had been concerned about draining the pond. Staff <br />had met with them, and plans were adjusted to only draw down the water three feet before <br />shutting off the pump. Three bids were received and opened on April 2, 2016 with Peterson <br />Companies being the low bidder. <br />
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