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2016.05.16 CC Packet
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2016.05.16 CC Packet
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G.5 Approve Resolutions Approving Preliminary Plat and PUD for Victor Gardens North <br />Village 711 Addition <br />Kettler Construction, Inc. is requesting approval of a PUD amendment and a preliminary plat for <br />33 townhome units (27 detached units and 6 attached units) on the 8.51 acre property. The <br />applicant is proposing the modification in order to develop a different style of townhome than <br />was previously approved. The change results in a reduction in the number of homes on this site <br />from 64 units to 33 units. At its April 28, 2016, meeting the Planning Commission considered <br />and held a public hearing on the request. Staff recommended approval of the draft resolutions <br />approving the PUD amendment and preliminary plat, subject to the conditions listed in the <br />attached resolutions. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval the <br />preliminary plat and PUD for Victor Gardens North Village 7th, subject to the conditions listed in <br />the attached resolutions. <br />G.6 Approve Resolutions Approving Final Plat, Development Agreement for Clearwater <br />Cove and 2nd Addition <br />D.R. Horton is requesting approval of a final plat in order to plat 27 residential lots on the 7 acre <br />parcel located south of Frenchman Road (CSAH 8) and east of Everton Avenue North. The site <br />is currently a vacant outlot. The final plat will plat 27 lots from the approved Clearwater Cove <br />preliminary plat. There are no changes to the lots from the preliminary plat. The lots meet the <br />minimum lot standards and requirements outlined in the regulations for the Clearwater Cove <br />PUD. Staff recommends approval of the resolution approving the Final Plat and Development for <br />Clearwater Cove 2nd Addition. <br />G.7 Approve the Stormwater Reuse Agreement for Clearwater Cove <br />As part of the Clearwater Cove development the developer is installing a stormwater reuse <br />system to irrigate the residential lots, public park, and landscaping along Oneka Parkway. They <br />are also using the reuse system to meet the required infiltration requirements for the <br />development. Staff recommends approval of the stormwater reuse agreement for the Clearwater <br />Cove Development. <br />G.8 Approve Resolution Cancelling Tax Increment Development Agreement with <br />Schwieters Properties, LLP <br />The City has received a request from Schwieters Properties to cancel the tax increment financing <br />development agreement for Lot 2, Block 1, Schwieters Millwork Subdivision (13825 Fenway <br />Boulevard). This agreement required them to build a 45,000 sq. ft. building on the property and <br />agree to a 15 -year minimum assessed value in exchange for purchasing the property from the <br />City for no money down. To the best of the City's knowledge they have performed all of the <br />requirements contained in the development agreement and have repaid the business subsidy <br />granted by the City. Staff recommends Council approve a Resolution Cancelling Tax Increment <br />Development Agreement. <br />
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