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G.5 Approve Hiring of Marty Schwartz, Scott Marschke, James Magill, Hunter Natterstad, <br />Krai! Pettee as Public Works Seasonal Summer Employees <br />At its January 3, 2017 meeting, Council approved the advertisement for seasonal employees in the <br />Hugo Public Works Department. Employees in this positon would assist in maintaining the City's <br />park system, building grounds, road patching, and other work as needed. Staff had received <br />applications, conducted interviews, and recommends Council approve the hiring Marty Schwartz, <br />Scott Marschke, James Magill, Hunter Natterstad, and Kraig Pettee as Public Works Seasonal <br />Summer Employees for 2017. <br />G.6 Approve Tobacco License for Ksiall Company, dba MGM Wine and Spirits of Hugo <br />Ksiall Company, dba MGM Wine & Spirits of Hugo, has applied for a Tobacco License for their <br />proposed liquor at 5441 140th Street North. Ksiall Company has successfully completed the <br />background check. Staff recommends Council approve the Tobacco License for MGM Wine and <br />Spirits subject to payment of the license fee and approval of the On -Sale Liquor License to be <br />considered later this meeting. <br />G.7 Approve Special Event Permit for MGM Grand Opening Event <br />Victor Shevchunk, owner of MGM Wine & Spirits of Hugo, has applied for a special event permit <br />to hold a grand opening at his liquor store on Friday, May 12, 2017. This requires a Special Event <br />Permit because there will be over 200 people and amplified music in the parking lot. The <br />applicant has submitted the completed application, application fee, and hold harmless agreement. <br />Staff has worked with Victor on the details of the event and recommends Council approve the <br />Special Event Permit for MGM for a grand opening celebration subject to approval of the On -Sale <br />Liquor License to be considered later this meeting. <br />H.1 Approve Award of Bid for the North Sunset Lake Area Street Proiect <br />At its March 6, 2017 meeting, the Council approve a resolution approving the plans and <br />specification and ordering the advertisement for bids for the north Sunset Lake area street <br />improvement project. Streets included in this project are: Homestead Avenue, 132" d Street, <br />Homestead Drive, and 126th Street. Bids were received and opened on April 6, 2017. City <br />Engineer Mark Erichson will provide Council a summary of bids received and request Council <br />award the project. <br />I.1 Public Hearing on Application for On -Sale Wine and Beer Liquor License R & G <br />Services, LTD dba Red's Savoy Pizza <br />A public hearing has been scheduled for this evening to consider the application of R&G Services, <br />LTD, dba Red's Savoy Pizza, for a Wine License and a 3.2% Malt Liquor License with a provision <br />for strong beer. According to City Code, the Council can approve strong beer to be served under <br />this license as long as 60% of sales is from food. Savoy Pizza is located at 14755 Victor Hugo <br />Boulevard, and they are currently adding a 2,000 square foot expansion to include a small bar and <br />approximately eight tables and four booths in the restaurant area. The applicant has paid the $500 <br />application fee and successfully completed the background check for the liquor license. Staff <br />