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recommends Council open the public hearing to take all comments and approve the application for <br />Red's Savoy Pizza subject to receipt of the prorated license fee and certificate of liquor liability <br />insurance. <br />I.2 Public Hearing on Application for Off Sale Liquor License for Ksiall Company, dba <br />MGM Wine and Spirits of Hugo <br />A public hearing has been scheduled for this evening to consider the application of Ksiall <br />Company, dba MGM Wine & Spirits of Hugo, for an Off -Sale Liquor License to operate a liquor <br />store in the former Rick's Liquor building at 5441 140th Street North. The applicant has submitted <br />the appropriate Certificate of Liquor Liability, paid the $500 application fee, and successfully <br />completed the background check. Included in the Council packet are written comments from Terry <br />Sager, owner of Sager Liquor, which will become a part of the public hearing record. Staff <br />recommends Council open the public hearing to take all comments and approve the application for <br />MGM Wine & Spirits of Hugo subject to receipt of the prorated license fee. <br />K.1 Approve Resolution for Issuance of Negative Declaration for an Environmental Impact <br />Statement for Adelaide Landing <br />The Excelsior Group, LLC, is proposing 319 new homes on property located at the northeast <br />corner of 130th Street and Highway 61. The minimum threshold for a mandatory Environmental <br />Assessment Worksheet (EAW) per MN State Statute is 250 units, therefore, an EAW is required. <br />The developer has been working with City staff to prepare an EAW for the development. An <br />EAW is a document that analyzes, at a preliminary level, the effects a development has on the <br />environment in regards to land use, geology, water resources, wildlife, air, noise, and <br />transportation. An EAW has been prepared, is complete, and has been sent out for public <br />comment. There was a 30-day comment period, which ended on March 29, 2017. The Planning <br />Commission held of public hearing on the EAW at it March 23, 2017, meeting. Staff has drafted <br />responses to all comments on the EAW that will be sent out to all the agencies and others who <br />have commented. The EAW has identified areas where potential environmental effect exists and <br />has incorporated the appropriate mitigation measure into the project plan. Staff analyzed the EAW <br />and plan as it relates to State Rules and finds the project does not have the potential for significant <br />environmental impacts. Staff recommends the City Council approve the findings of fact and <br />conclusions and the resolution approving the issuance of a negative declaration for the need of an <br />environmental impact statement (EIS). <br />K.2 Approve Wetland Replacement Plan for Adelaide Landing <br />The Adelaide Landing proposed development project includes a proposal to fill 1.32 acres of <br />wetlands associated with the construction of a single family development. The applicant is <br />proposing to purchase wetland bank credits at a 2:1 mitigation ratio in -advance of the proposed <br />wetland impacts. The wetland delineation was approved by City staff in 2014 and 2016. The <br />wetland replacement plan application was deemed complete on March 8, 2017, and public noticed <br />on March 25, 2017, with an April 10, 2017, deadline to receive comments. The applicant's <br />response to the public comment received was compared to the proposed plans/application and <br />found satisfactory by City staff in fulfilling the replacement standards under MN Rules 8420. <br />Staff recommends the City Council approve the wetland replacement plan for Adelaide Landing. <br />