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GA Approve Renewal of 2 a.m. Closing Time for Blue Heron Grill <br />Blue Heron Grill, Inc., 14725 Victor Hugo Boulevard, has applied for renewal of its 2:00 a.m. <br />closing time license. City staff has reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily <br />complete. Staff recommends approval of the renewal of the 2:00 a.m. closing time for the Blue <br />Heron Grill <br />G5. Approval of Use Agreement with the Waters Edge Homeowners Association for Use of <br />Stormwater for Irrigation Purposes. <br />City staff has been working with the homeowners' association at Water's Edge to develop a use <br />agreement for stormwater irrigation from a nearby pond. This project includes the portion of the <br />Water's Edge development south of Evergreen Drive and north of Frenchman Road. The Rice <br />Creek Watershed District and the Metropolitan Council have provided grant funds to assist with <br />the cost of this project. The agreement has been approved and signed by the homeowners' <br />association. Staff recommends the City Council to review and approve the use agreement with the <br />Waters Edge Homeowners Association for use of stormwater for irrigation purposes. <br />G.6 Approve Resolution Calling for Public Hearing on the Issuance of Revenue Bonds — <br />Minnesota Autism Center Proiect <br />The City of Hugo is being asked to consider issuing Tax -Exempt Revenue Bonds, in an amount of <br />no more than $5.1 million, on behalf of the Autism Opportunities Foundation (the "Borrower"), a <br />Minnesota nonprofit corporation doing business as the Minnesota Autism Center. The bond <br />proceeds will be used to finance the acquisition, construction, and equipping of an intensive <br />therapy center for children and adults ages 10 to 21 diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder <br />("ASD"). The project will be located at 2010 Silver Bell Road in Eagan, Minnesota. The <br />Borrower also wants to amend certain terms of the bonds that were issued by the City of Hugo in <br />2015 which were used to finance the acquisition, construction, and equipping of an approximately <br />48,000 square foot two-story school building that serves primarily high school students with <br />ASD. The Borrower has agreed to pay the City of Hugo an issuer's administrative fee of of 1% <br />of the principal amount of the bonds in consideration for the City of Hugo acting as issuer. A <br />public hearing on the proposal has been scheduled for June 5, 2017. Briggs and Morgan, the <br />City's bond counsel, has reviewed this request and finds it to be a proper use of the City's bonding <br />authority. Thus, the Finance Department recommends that the City Council approve a Resolution <br />Calling for a Public Hearing on the Issuance of Revenue Bonds and Authorizing the Publication <br />of a Notice of the Hearing. <br />G.7 Approve Final Payment to Arnt Construction, Inc. for 147th Street/Oneka Lake <br />Boulevard Street Reconstruction Proiect <br />Arnt Construction, Inc. has submitted the final pay request for work done on the 147th <br />Street/Oneka Lake reconstruction project. WSB Engineer Mark Erichson and Senior Engineering <br />Technician Steve Duff have reviewed the request and find it satisfactory for work done. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the final pay request from Arnt Construction in the amount of <br />$123,171.24. <br />