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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 18,2017 <br /> Page 3 of 7 <br /> Council approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2017-35 <br /> APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR SINGLE <br /> TENANT MONUMENT SIGN FOR CARRELL PROPERTIES, LLC. ON THE PROPERTY <br /> LOCATED AT 14475 FOREST BLVD. N. <br /> Abatement Hearing for Schultz-13101 Henna Ave <br /> Community Development Assistant Rachel Leitz explained that, since August 2016, staff had <br /> been working with property owner Dennis Schultz, 13101 Henna Avenue North, regarding <br /> violations of the Municipal Code Chapter 46,Nuisances. Although the property owners had been <br /> provided ample notice and time to correct the violations, they had failed to do so. <br /> A complaint was first received in 2016 on cars and miscellaneous debris and accumulation of <br /> junk on his property. Over the past year, staff had attempted to work with Schultz to clean it up. <br /> Though some progress had been made, the last inspection on his property on August 2, 2017 <br /> showed he was still out of compliance. <br /> Leitz presented Council with an order for approval stating the property be brought into <br /> compliance within 30 days. If after 30 days the property is still out of compliance, the City will <br /> enter onto the property and mark item for removal with spray paint. If those items are not <br /> removed in 10 days, the City will remove them then assess the property owner. <br /> Weidt opened the abatement hearing. <br /> Property owner Dennis Schultz apologized for not being more prepared. He stated he built the <br /> home in 1978 on almost I I acres. They planted 1,300 trees, had 600 feet of gardens, mowed six <br /> acres, and were proud of their property. Schultz asked City Attorney Dave Snyder if he had <br /> reviewed anything, and Snyder stated he had. Schultz said he didn't want to be defensive. He <br /> asked how many neighbors reported this because he had idea who did. He said he spent <br /> thousands of dollars cleaning up the property before anyone reported it. If he knew of this <br /> meeting, he would have gone to the bank to show money was spent to clean it up. His said a <br /> neighbor showed up inebriated with his friend who wanted to look at a sports car, and Schultz <br /> talked about all the vehicles he had that are not junk. He feels he is a hoarder of good stuff. He <br /> wished he could have brought all the pictures with him. He said people are looking for his stuff <br /> because he has to get rid of it, and he was trying to sell it when suddenly he received the letter <br /> from the City. <br /> Schultz explained he spends winters in California, and stated he had been out of the hospital for a <br /> week. He talked about when he was robbed. He turned it into State Farm Insurance and it kept <br /> going for over two years. He was told by State Farm his stuff was not worth anything. He asked <br /> for more time, and stated he would give the City a certified check to hold for a while. He said he <br /> is selling his stuff. <br /> Weidt asked how much time it would take him to clean up the property if he was putting a good <br /> effort towards. <br /> Schultz stated he had people working for him now. He had spent money, and there is no hazard <br />