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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 18,2017 <br /> Page 4 of 7 <br /> there, no leaking on the ground and no rubbish. He said, to be safe, he could be done by the end <br /> of December. <br /> Weidt noted he would not be doing much after the snow came and asked Schultz to agree it <br /> would be done by November 15, and Schultz stated he had other issues going on. <br /> Snyder restated the question to Schultz regarding the time limit to comply if staff continued to <br /> work with him. Snyder suggested splitting the task up, first removing rubbish and then the cars. <br /> Klein stated that in his opinion he could clean up the debris, not the cars that may have value, by <br /> November 15 and look at a little more time to take care of the vehicles. <br /> Schultz stated he believed in global warming, but has plastic on the property that won't <br /> deteriorate and is easy to get rid of. He said he is still working on vehicles that people want to <br /> buy. <br /> Miron stated that Schultz seemed to find it agreeable and he wanted to make sure the Council <br /> agreed what debris was. Miron asked Snyder what procedurally would need to take place after <br /> the dates passed if nothing was done. <br /> Snyder noted that staff worked diligently with the applicant before this item went to Council, and <br /> if debris was not gone by November 15, staff could make additional recommendations. <br /> Schultz verbally confirmed that he could and would proceed to remove the rubbish first and then <br /> the cars under this scenario and this schedule. He said this had renewed his faith in local <br /> government. Schultz stated he appreciated staff, and realized his personal problems were not <br /> theirs. <br /> Weidt reviewed what debris was found on the Schultz property and stated the cleanup needed to <br /> be accelerated greatly. He would like to see the cars down to the few that are valuable. and have <br /> all the other stuff cleaned up. <br /> Schultz stated this was very embarrassing. All the stuff was all taken out of his pole barn and it <br /> ended up stolen. <br /> Weidt made motion, Miron seconded, to give Schultz until November 15 to clean up the <br /> property, and bring the item back to Council on November 20, 2017, <br /> All ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion on Proposed Oneka Lake Blvd/Harrow Avenue Road Proiect <br /> City Engineer Mark Erichson explained that the Oneka Lake Boulevard and Harrow Avenue <br /> Roadway Improvement Project was identified as the City's next highest priority improvement <br /> project, and he wanted to initiate the project in moving forward. This would continue <br /> improvement of Oneka Boulevard from the 2016 project. If Council chose to move forward with <br /> the project, WSB would begin evaluation of design and complete the wetland delineation, soil <br />