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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 18,2017 <br /> Page 5 of 7 <br /> borings, and surveying. Erichson recommended that a neighborhood meeting be scheduled for <br /> October 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rice Lake Center. <br /> Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to identify the Oneka Lake Boulevard/Harrow Avenue <br /> project as the 2018 Roadway Improvement Project and authorize staff to begin preliminary work <br /> as necessary, <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion on 1301h Street North Street Improvements <br /> City Engineer Mark Erichson explained the 130th Street project is one they would like to initiate <br /> and begin preliminary work on. The project area is between TH61 and Goodview Avenue. This <br /> is the area of the Adelaide Landing Development and is to coincide with development. Now that <br /> Adelaide has approval, the development agreement identifies the developer to pay 44% of the <br /> street project with 1/3 due with each of the first three phases, with a total cost of$1,566,520. <br /> The Beaver Ponds Development had previously contributed funds towards these improvements, <br /> and there would be no assessments. Erichson talked about the project design which included a <br /> roundabout and pedestrian trail. It is tentatively a 2019 project, but Erichson explained they <br /> would like to start working with the property owners and coordinate improvements that are part <br /> of the adjacent development. This would push some CIP projects back one year, but he saw <br /> value in starting this process early. He asked for Council approval to evaluate designs, work <br /> with the development team, and complete the wetland delineation and soil borings. <br /> The Council talked about the need to get the project done, evaluate the 130th Street/TH61 <br /> intersection, and consider the heavy equipment on 130th Street as part of the development work <br /> to avoid tearing up a new road. <br /> Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to direct staff to move forward with the plans for the 130th <br /> Street Improvement Project. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion on Forest Road Bridge <br /> City Engineer Mark Erichson discussed with Council the Forest Road Bridge that spans over JD2 <br /> on the west side of TH 61. In 2016, the bridge was inspected, which led to the removal of <br /> accumulated class 5 aggregate surfacing on the bridge and weight restriction postings (lower <br /> than the weight of our motor grader). There are no records or bridge plans for this structure; <br /> therefore, assumptions based on the typical construction materials and design at that time were <br /> made to determine its load carrying capacity. The bridge is a single span concrete slab bridge <br /> that was built in 1920 with substandard elements (17-ft wide, approaches, lack of barrier etc.). <br /> There are approximately 60 vehicle trips over the bridge per day. Erichson provided options for <br /> improvement to the bridge with included replacement with a concrete slab bridge, box culvert, or <br /> beam bridge. Erichson stated the project cost was estimated at $600,000 and can fit into the CIP <br /> without affecting future project schedules. The City could seek bridge bonding funds, but plans <br /> needed to be developed first. <br />