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renewal for the 2018 liquor licenses and related licenses, subject to payment of all requested <br />fees, taxes, and certificates of liquor liability insurance. <br />G.6 Approve Resolution for Renewal of 2018 Licenses for Refuse Haulers <br />The City has received applications from seven refuse haulers who provide refuse collection and <br />recycling services to Hugo businesses and residents. Licenses will be issued to these haulers <br />upon receipt of the $165 annual licensing fee and proof of insurance. City staff recommends <br />Council approve the resolution issuing 2017 refuse haulers licenses to: Gene's Disposal; SRC, <br />Inc.; Maroney's Sanitation; Ace Solid Waste; Walters Recycling; Republic Services; and MN <br />Waste Management. <br />G.7 Approve Resolution Certifying Delinquent Utility Accounts <br />Annually, the Finance Department reviews all delinquent utility bills, which are the result of <br />nonpayment or underpayment of water and sewer utility bills. In accordance with City <br />Ordinance, Council is required to adopt a resolution to certify delinquent utility bills to the <br />property tax rolls. Property owners who have not paid their outstanding utility bill will have it <br />certified to the property tax rolls. City staff recommends Council approve the resolution <br />certifying delinquent utility bills for placement on property tax statements <br />G.8 Approve Ordinance Establishing 2018 Fee Schedule and Publication of Summary <br />Ordinance <br />City staff annually reviews the fee, rates and charges schedule and recommends changes. The <br />Finance Department has reviewed these changes and incorporated them into the fee schedule for <br />2018. Staff recommends Council approve the ordinance authorizing the establishment of fees, <br />rates and charges for 2018, and approve the summary ordinance for publication. <br />G.9 Approve Renewal of Terms for Planning Commissioners Bronwen Kleissler and Scott <br />Arcand <br />Staff has contacted Planning Commissioners Bronwen Kleissler and Scott Arcand regarding the <br />expiration of their terms as Commissioners at the end of this year. Both indicated they would like <br />to be reappointed to the Planning Commission for another four-year term. Staff recommends <br />Council approve the reappointment of Commissioners Bronwen Kleissler and Scott Arcand for <br />another four-year term on the Planning Commission to expire December 31, 2021. <br />G 10 Approve Renewal of Term for Parks Commissioners Mathew Rauschendorfer and <br />John Pontrelli <br />Staff has contacted Parks Commissioners Mathew Rauschendorfer and John Pontrelli regarding the <br />expiration of their terms as Commissioners at the end of this year. Both indicated they would like to <br />be reappointed to the Parks Commission. Staff recommends Council approve the reappointment of <br />Commissioners Mathew Rauschendorfer and John Pontrelli for a three-year term to expire on <br />December 31, 2020. <br />