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G.11 Approve Resignation of Chris Boland from Board of Zoning and Adiustments and <br />Advertisement for Vacancy <br />Chris Boland has submitted his letter of resignation from the Board of Zoning Adjustments and <br />Appeals. Staff recommends Council approve the resignation of Chris Boland and approve the <br />advertisement for the vacancy. <br />G.12 Approve Renewal of Terms for Historical Commissioner Kathy Brevig <br />Historical Commissioner Kathy Brevig has terms that expire at the end of this year. She has <br />indicated a desire to serve another three-year term on the Historical Commission. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the reappointment of Kathy Brevig for another three-year term to <br />expire December 31, 2020. <br />G.13 Approve Resolution Approving Property Line Adjustment for Frampton — 8125 <br />122nd St. N. <br />0 <br />Mark Frampton, 8125 122,d Street North has requested approval of a property line adjustment <br />for properties located north of 120th Street North and east of Illies Avenue North, within the <br />Sunset Lake Ridge Development. Lot 4, Block 1 is approximately 4.99 acres and contains a <br />single family home with outbuildings. Lot 5, Block 1 is approximately 4.97 acres and is vacant. <br />Frampton is the owner of both lots. The request is to adjust the common property line between <br />the properties to allow for more area in the southern corner of Lot 5 for future construction of a <br />single family home. The property line adjustment would not change the size of either lot. Staff <br />recommends approval of the resolution approving a property line adjustment for Mark Frampton, <br />subject to the conditions listen in the resolution. <br />G.14. Approve Service Agreement with Accela for new Permitting and Planning Software <br />A 2017 goal of the Council was to improve technology to better serve the City's residents. <br />During 2017, staff has evaluated several companies who provide software for muinicipal <br />building and planning departments to allow permits and applications to be applied for and <br />submitted online. Staff has found Accela's Civic Platform to best fit the current and foreseeable <br />needs of the City. The annual subscription cost for this software has been included in the 2018 <br />budget. Staff recommends Council approve the service and subscription agreements with Accela <br />subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. <br />G.15. Approve Statement of Work with ZedIT Solutions for Implementation of Accela <br />City staff has been working with ZedIT Solutions for an acceptable statement of work should <br />Council approve the agreement with Accela for permitting and planning software. ZedIT will <br />work with Accela and the City on a one-time implementation that will take approximately 16 <br />weeks to complete. Staff has reviewed the Statement of Work and finds it acceptable. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the Statement of Work with ZedIT Solutions. <br />