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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 20, 2018 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit for Kersten Auto at 15587 Forest <br />Boulevard North <br /> <br />Scott Kersten, owner of Kersten’s Auto Sales, had requested approval of a Conditional Use <br />Permit (CUP) for auto sales, auto body repair shop, and outdoor vehicle storage at property <br />located at 15587 Boulevard North. The applicant would like to consolidate his current business <br />locations in Hugo into one location. At its August 9, 2018, meeting, the Planning Commission <br />held a public hearing and considered the request. The Commission recommended approval of <br />the CUP. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2018-24 APPROVING A <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR SCOTT KERSTEN TO ALLOW AUTO SALES, AUTO <br />BODY REPAIR SHOP, AND OUTDOOR VEHICLE STORAGE USE ON THE PROPERTY <br />LOCATED AT 15587 FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH. <br /> <br />Approve Shared Service Agreement for Vehicle Gateway Base (VGB) with White Bear <br />Township <br /> <br />City Staff had recently purchased a Vehicle Gateway Base (VGB) station which allows for <br />water meters to be read remotely from inside a vehicle. This purchase was made jointly with <br />White Bear Township as both the City and the Township use the same meter reading <br />technology. The cost of the equipment was split evenly between the two municipalities and an <br />agreement was drafted which identifies operation and maintenance terms. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the VGB Shared Service Agreement with White Bear Township. <br /> <br />Approve MOU for Completion of CWF Competitive Grant Application for CSAH 8 <br />Water Reuse Project <br /> <br />The Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) has a Clean Water Fund (CWF) Project and <br />Practices Competitive grant application that staff feels the County Road 8 Stormwater Reuse <br />project would score well on. RCWD and the City agreed that it is mutually beneficial to <br />cooperatively undertake these types of stormwater reuse projects to improve surface water <br />quality and reduce the stress on local aquifers due to increased water demands. RCWD had also <br />agreed to reimburse the City up to 50% of the costs associated with the completion of the CWF <br />Project and Practices Competitive grant application, not to exceed $4,300. This was outlined in <br />a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Hugo and RCWD. The CWF <br />Project and Practices Competitive grant currently had $11.6 million dollars available for FY <br />2019 and requires a 25% match. BWSR had made this grant available for projects that will <br />protect or restore water quality in lakes, rivers or stream, and/or will protect groundwater or <br />drinking water. The City had already received up to $60,000 from the RCWD’s Urban <br />Stormwater Remediation Cost-Share Program for this project, which can be used in conjunction <br />with any other funding that may be obtained. The total estimated project costs for the County <br />Road 8 Stormwater Reuse system were estimated to be $440,000. <br /> <br />Haas removed this from the Consent Agenda to ask City Engineer Mark Erichson for additional <br />information. Erichson provided background on the grant application stating it would be used to <br />irrigate the boulevard trees on Oneka Parkway using water from the pond located at the <br />intersection of Oneka Parkway and CSAH8. This could potentially save 5-6 million gallons of <br />ground water annually.