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G.5 Approve Off -Site Gambling Permit for Merrick, Inc. for Purse Bingo at Hugo Legion <br />Merrick, Inc., is requesting approval of an Off -Site Gambling Permit to conduct Purse Bingo at <br />the Hugo American Legion. Merrick, Inc. is a nonprofit that serves adults with developmental <br />disabilities by providing vocational and social opportunities. The Legion would like to hold <br />Purse Bingo but does not want to carry and store the large inventory of merchandise. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the Off -Site Gambling Permit for Merrick, Inc. for Purse Bingo at <br />the Hugo American Legion. <br />G.6 Approve Resignation of Andy Luchsinger from the Hugo Fire Department <br />Firefighter Andy Luchsinger has submitted his letter of resignation from the Hugo Fire <br />Department. Andy had served on the department since December, 2015. Staff recommends <br />Council approve the resignation of Andy Luchsinger effective immediately. <br />H.1 Public Hearing on Ordinance Amendment for Alternate Commission Members <br />At its August 6, 2018, meeting, City Administrator Bryan Bear discussed with Council the idea <br />of appointing alternates to serve on the City's EDA, Planning Commission, and Parks <br />Commission. Council directed staff to work on changes to the ordinance and any changes to <br />respective bylaws. Staff had discussed this with each of the commissions, prepared a draft <br />ordinance and bylaws, and scheduled a public hearing this evening to take public comments on <br />these changes. Staff recommends Council hold the public hearing and approve the ordinance <br />and amended bylaws to allow for the appointment of alternate members to the Commissions <br />J.1 Appointment of Alternates to the EDA and Planning Commission <br />On July 17, 2018, Council interviewed six very qualified residents for vacancies on Hugo <br />Commissions. At that time, there was discussion on appointing alternates, and staff was directed <br />to work on changes to the ordinance and the bylaws to allow for this. A public hearing will be <br />held this evening, and if Council approves the ordinance amendment, staff recommends Council <br />approve the appointment of Maria Mulvihill as an alternate Planning Commission member, and <br />Jennifer Wilson as an alternate member on the Economic Development Authority. <br />J.2 Clearwater Creek Preserve Update <br />At the meeting of February 21, 2018, the Parks Commission had discussion on an Active Living <br />Grant from the Statewide Health Improvement Program through Washington County. The City <br />of Hugo received $15,000 to master plan Clearwater Creek Preserve, in particular to enhance <br />community engagement. This spring, the site was evaluated and the wetlands were delineated. <br />An open house was held on June 26, 2018 to gather input from residents on the future of the <br />park. An online forum and survey was also available. A good amount of input was received from <br />residents to help guide the plan. At the Parks Commission meeting of August 15, 2018, three <br />concept plans were presented for further discussion. A preferred concept plan has been drafted <br />incorporating all of the input received on Clearwater Creek Preserve. The Parks Commission <br />reviewed the plan at their September 19, 2018 meeting, and recommended approval of the plan <br />as presented. Candace Amberg, Sr. Landscape Architect with WSB & Associates, will present <br />the preferred concept plan to the City Council. <br />