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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 5, 2018 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br /> <br />revised boundary for inclusion in a petition to the Board of Water and Soil Resources. MN <br />Statute required the petition be approved by the governing body and each watershed district <br />having jurisdiction of the territory proposed to be changed. BCWD had reviewed and agreed <br />with the revised hydrologic and legal boundary changes. The RCWD had requested the City <br />approve a resolution approving the letter of concurrence for changes to the watershed district <br />boundaries. The RCWD Board of Managers held a public meeting on October 24, 2018, where <br />one resident came forward at the meeting with questions on the overall process and her concerns <br />regarding setback/ zoning requirements. RCWD staff and board responded to her questions and <br />no changes were made to the proposed boundary change area. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved RESOLUTION 2018 – 34 APPROVING LETTER OF CONCURRENCE FOR <br />WATERSHED DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGE/ADJUSTMENT. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving the Washington County All Hazard Mitigation Plan <br /> <br />Washington County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Management staff had completed the most <br />recent update to the Washington County All Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plan update process <br />engaged representatives from cities and townships in hazard mitigation planning to identify risks <br />and vulnerabilities associated with natural and manmade disasters and develop long-term <br />strategies for protecting people and property from future hazard events. After making the <br />required updates to the Washington County All Hazard Mitigation Plan over the past two years, <br />the plan was submitted to Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management and then <br />FEMA for approval. Both agencies reviewed the plan and approved it with no changes required. <br />A FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan is a condition for receiving certain types of non- <br />emergency disaster assistance, including funding for mitigation projects. Washington County <br />Sheriff’s Office Emergency Management had requested the City approve a resolution approving <br />the Mitigation Plan. To receive any of the funding sources through the County, a local <br />jurisdiction must have submitted a signed resolution to the County for submittal to the State and <br />FEMA. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2018 – 35 ADOPTING <br />THE WASHINGTON COUNTY ALL-HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN. <br /> <br />Approve Auto Dismantling License for Hugo Auto Parts <br /> <br />Mike Brant, owner of Hugo Auto Parts at 16615 Forest Boulevard North, had applied for <br />renewal of their Auto Dismantling Facility License, which expired on November 3, 2018. Staff <br />and Washington County conducted an inspection of the property on October 23, 2018 and found <br />the facility to be in compliance with City of Hugo and Washington County code requirements. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Auto Dismantling Facility License for Hugo Auto <br />Parts for two years, to expire on November 3, 2020. <br /> <br />Approve Letter Supporting the Metropolitan Council’s 2019-2020 Clean Water Fund <br />Request <br /> <br />Council Member Klein had requested this be added to the agenda to approve a letter in support <br />of the Metropolitan Council’s 2019-2020 Clean Water Fund Request. Over the past eight years, <br />Metropolitan Council had received funding from the Clean Water Fund that had helped <br />communities implement projects that help achieve sustainable water supplies through the Water <br />Demand Reduction Grant Program and the Metropolitan Area Water Supply Sustainability <br />Support. The City of Hugo had recently benefitted from such programs by received funding <br />through Metropolitan Council for the Beaver Ponds Water Reuse Project, Water’s Edge Water