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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 5, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br />Reuse Project, and rebate program. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the letter <br />supporting the Metropolitan Council’s 2019-2018 Clean Water Fund Request. <br /> <br />Approve Ordinance and Resolutions Approving PUD, Preliminary, Final Plat, and <br />Development Agreement for The Preserve on Sunset Lake Development <br /> <br />Shlayba, Inc., had requested approval of a PUD, preliminary plat, final plat, and development <br />agreement for the development of 13 single family homes on 136.7 acres to be known as “The <br />Preserve on Sunset Lake” located near the southwest corner of Sunset Lake. The property has <br />existing wetlands but is primarily farm fields with one existing home in the southeast portion of <br />the site. The homes would be located on 5- to 10-acre with most lots located off a cul-de-sac in <br />the center of the site. Each lot would have its own well and septic system on site. The applicant <br />would retain a 27.26-acre Outlot A as open space owned by the Homeowners Association <br />(HOA), dedicate a 0.93-acre Outlot B north of 125th Street to the City for an expansion of an <br />existing City owned park parcel, and a 0.07-acre Outlot C that will provide lake access for Lot 4. <br />The overall density of the project is 1 unit per 10.52 acres. The Planning Commission <br />unanimously recommended approval of the applications to the City Council. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved ORDINANCE 2018-491 AMENDING CHAPTER 90 (ZONING <br />ORDINANCE) OF THE CITY CODE TO CLASSIFY CERTAIN LAND LOCATED SOUTH <br />OF 125TH STREET NORTH, EAST OF ILLIES AVENUE NORTH AND NORTH OF 120TH <br />STREET, and RESOLUTION 2018 – 36 APPROVING FINDING OF FACT FOR <br />REZONING FOR SHLAYBA, INC. FOR “THE PRESERVE ON SUNSET LAKE” ON <br />PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF 125TH STREET NORTH, EAST OF ILLIES AVENUE <br />NORTH AND NORTH OF 120TH STREET, and RESOLUTION 2018 – 37 APPROVING <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR SHLAYBA, INC. FOR “THE PRESERVE ON <br />SUNSET LAKE” ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF 125TH STREET NORTH, EAST <br />OF ILLIES AVENUE NORTH AND NORTH OF 120TH STREET, and RESOLUTION 2018 <br />– 38 APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SHLAYBA, INC. FOR “THE PRESERVE ON <br />SUNSET LAKE” ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF 125TH STREET NORTH, EAST <br />OF ILLIES AVENUE NORTH AND NORTH OF 120TH STREET, and RESOLUTION 2018 <br />– 39 APPROVING FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SHLAYBA, <br />INC. FOR “THE PRESERVE ON SUNSET LAKE” ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF <br />125TH STREET NORTH, EAST OF ILLIES AVENUE NORTH AND NORTH OF 120TH <br />STREET. <br /> <br />Approve Hiring of Kraig Pettee as a New Public Works Worker <br /> <br />Included in the City’s Water and Sewer Utility budget document is funding for an additional full <br />time Public Works Department position. With the recent increase in development and expansion <br />of the City’s infrastructure system, Public Works staff was being spread thin. Public Works Lead <br />Worker, Mike Loeffler and Public Works Director Scott Anderson had recommended the <br />position be filled prior to the start of winter maintenance activities. For the past three summers, <br />Kraig Pettee had worked for Public Works Department as a seasonal worker and had years of <br />maintenance experience as a maintenance worker for Mn/DOT. This position would be slotted at <br />Pay Grade 5, Step 2, in the 2018 salary matrix. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />hiring of Kraig Pettee as a Public Works Maintenance Worker with a start date of November 12, <br />2018. <br /> <br />