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G.12 Approve Renewal of Terms for Parks Commissioners David Strub and Roger Clarke <br />Staff has contacted Parks Commissioners David Strub and Roger Clarke regarding the expiration of <br />their terms as Commissioners at the end of this year. Both indicated they would like to be <br />reappointed to the Parks Commission. Staff recommends Council approve the reappointment of <br />Commissioners David Strub and Roger Clarke for a three-year term to expire on December 31, <br />2021. <br />G.13 Approve Renewal of Term for Board of Zoning and Adiustments Member Maria <br />Mulvihill <br />Annually, the Council appoints a resident to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals and <br />Adjustments. Maria Mulvihill currently serves in the position and would like to be reappointed <br />to serve another one year term. Staff recommends Council approve the reappointment of Maria <br />Mulvihill to the Board of Zoning for a one-year term to expire on December 31, 2019. <br />G.14 Approve Renewal of Terms for Historical Commissioner Grace Waugh <br />Historical Commissioner Grace Waugh has terms that expire at the end of this year. She has <br />indicated a desire to serve another three-year term on the Historical Commission. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the reappointment of Grace Waugh for another three-year term to <br />expire December 31, 2021. <br />G.15 Approve Amendment to the Personnel Policy for Meal Reimbursement <br />The city's Personnel Policy contains maximum reimbursement levels for meals (breakfast, lunch, <br />and dinner) when an employee's duties keep them away from their home and the corporate limits <br />of the city during normal meal hours. The reimbursement levels stated in the Personnel Policy <br />have not been adjusted since 2011. Staff is recommending that the Personnel Policy be changed <br />to state that reimbursement levels will reflect the per diem meal reimbursement rates set forth <br />annually by the U.S. General Services Administration for the corresponding destination <br />city/county and that rates for Minneapolis and St. Paul/Hennepin and Ramsey be included yearly <br />in the salary resolution. <br />G.16 Approve Amendment to the Personnel Policy for Fire Department Conference Pay <br />As a way to encourage attendance at recognized Fire and EMS organization sponsored <br />conferences, the Fire Chief is recommending that current members of the department be <br />compensated for the conferences that they attend. The Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association, <br />Arrowhead Fire Officers, Duluth Fire Officers, Arrowhead EMS, and Regional State Fire are <br />examples of organizations that sponsor conferences that help keep the department informed of <br />the most recent advances in firefighting and medical techniques, as well as allow members to <br />make important connections with other departments. Fire Chief, Kevin Colvard is recommending <br />that each firefighter be paid $125 per day (or a pro -rated portion thereof for less than a full day) <br />for attendance at approved conferences. <br />