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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 1, 2019 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />and surface water resources, the City applied for the RCWD Urban Stormwater Remediation <br />Cost -Share Program and BWSR Watershed -Based Funding Pilot Program to help fund the <br />Water's Edge Stormwater Reuse Phase 2 project. In the spring of 2019, RCWD awarded <br />$185,760 (BWSR WBFPP - $78,760 & RCWD USWR-$107,000) to fund the expansion of the <br />existing Water's Edge stormwater reuse system. The total project cost was anticipated to be <br />approximately $300,000, with the balance being paid from the stormwater utility fund and <br />ultimately reimbursed over time through negotiation of an agreement with the Homeowners <br />Association. Phase 2 of this project will expand the existing stormwater reuse irrigation system to <br />service an additional 533 residential units as well as the northern extents of Oneka Parkway's <br />boulevards and medians, resulting in improved surface water quality due to the removal of <br />nutrients from the stormwater system and decrease ground water demand. The average annual <br />irrigation use for the entire Water's Edge community is approximately 25.5 million gallons and <br />this project expansion will help reduce potable water use by an additional 12.5 million gallons <br />annually. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Rice Creek Watershed District Cost <br />Share Agreement. <br />Approve Resolution Declaring Approval to Modify the Municipal State Aid Street System <br />Per State Aid Rules, a City is allowed to add and/or remove mileage annually, provided it meets <br />necessary criteria. In an effort to maximize the construction needs of Hugo's MSAS system and <br />with the goal of strategically using the annual available allotment of State Aid funds to the City, <br />staff recommended modifications to the system. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2019 —14 DECLARING APPROVAL OF MODIFICATIONS TO THE <br />MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF HUGO, MINNESOTA. <br />Approve Sale of 2006 Chew 1500 Building Department Truck <br />In 2017, Council gave authorization to advertise the sale of a retired Building Department truck <br />(#113-06) using a sealed bid format. The truck was advertised and bids were received. Of the <br />bids received, none produced a reasonable value for staff to recommend a sale. Public Works <br />staff had requested authorization to sell the truck using an online auction format. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the sale of the 2006 Chevrolet 1500 through the online auction. <br />Approve Sale of 1985 Ford 8000 Sewer Cleaning Truck <br />In 2018, the City Council authorized the purchase of a used Vactor sewer cleaning truck. The <br />Public Works Department had been using the recently purchased Vactor truck and wanted to put <br />up for auction the retired 1985 Ford 8000 sewer cleaning truck. Public Works staff requested to <br />utilize an online auction service to facilitate the sale of this truck. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the sale of the 1985 Ford 8008 sewer cleaning truck through the online auction. <br />Approve Purchase of Ford F-150 Extra Cab Pickup Truck <br />Over the past couple years, the City's Public Works Department had added two new staff <br />positions. With the additional staff, the department was in need of an additional pickup truck. <br />Staff had received a quote from Midway Ford for the purchase of a 2019 F-150 priced <br />