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PUD amendment for OP5 Adelaide (Excelsior Group) for the development to be known as <br />"Adelaide Landing", subject to the conditions listed in the resolutions. Staff recommends Council <br />approve the Resolution approving the PUD amendment. <br />H.9 Approve Resolution for Board of Trustees Request for Increase in Lump -Sum Pension <br />The Board of Trustees for the Hugo Firefighter's Relief Association has formally requested City <br />Council ratification of an increase of $100 per year of service in their lump -sum pension benefit. <br />The Finance Department had reviewed this request and found it to be financially feasible and <br />consistent with the Pension Fiscal Policy adopted in April, 2012. The Finance Department <br />recommends the City Council ratify the Board of Trustees' request for a $100 increase in their <br />lump -sum pension benefit and corresponding change to their by-laws. <br />H.10 Accept Donation from the Bayport American Legion to the Hugo Fire Department <br />The Bayport American Legion conducts gambling at Sal's Angus Grill and has donated $5,000 to <br />Hugo Fire Department. The Gambling Control Board requires approval of contributions to a unit <br />of government. Staff recommends Council approve the donation from the Bayport American <br />Legion of $5,000 to the Hugo Fire Department. <br />H.11 Accept Donation from the Hugo American Legion to the Hugo Fire Department <br />The Hugo American Legion and has donated $200 to Hugo Fire Department from its gambling <br />proceeds. The Gambling Control Board requires approval of contributions to a unit of <br />government. Staff recommends Council approve the donation from the Hugo American Legion of <br />$200 to the Hugo Fire Department. <br />I.1 130th Street Roundabout Improvement Project <br />Bids for the 130th Street Improvement Project were received on April 30, 2019. A total of four <br />bids were received with bids ranging from $2,650,716.57 to $3,188,066.71. The engineers <br />estimate was $2,814,416.00. The low bidder is Dresel Contracting, Inc. who staff is familiar with <br />and have had great success with on past projects. Staff is recommending the City Council <br />consider these bids and approve the resolution awarding the contract in the amount of <br />$2,650,716.57 to Dresel Contracting, Inc. based on the results of the bids received. <br />I.2 Approve Award of Bid for 2019 Dust Control Protect <br />Public Works Director, Scott Anderson, will provide the Council with the results of the bid <br />opening for the Gravel Roads Dust Control project. <br />J.1 Update on Gravel Roads <br />For a number of years, Hugo has had performance issues with a number of its gravel roads. In <br />2018, the City Council authorized further evaluation of these gravel roads and a number of work <br />sessions followed. The results of the information gathering and work sessions was to reclaim the <br />gravel roads (mix the layers of existing gravel within the road structure), yielding a better <br />gradation of material. Ingersoll Ave, 175th Street, Inwood Ave, and 180th Street (1.67 miles) were <br />completed in 2018, and are now performing very well. Staff is recommending that the City <br />