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G.6 Approve Quote from Excel AV Group for Upgrades in Council Chambers and Oneka <br />Room <br />Staff has solicited quotes for AV upgrades in the Council Chambers and the Oneka Room. <br />Upgrades to the Council Chambers would include replacing the screens and projectors with <br />monitors, adding a monitor for the podium presenter, upgrading the document camera, and <br />upgrading the video inputs and switchers. Upgrades in the Oneka Room would include a <br />motorized dropdown screen, ceiling mounted projector, and a switcher to accommodate various <br />inputs to the system. Three quotes were received ranging from $75,605 to $48,865. The Finance <br />Department confirmed there are sufficient funds in the budget to cover these projects. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the low quote from Excel AV Group in the amount of $48,865. <br />G.7 Approve Special Event Permit for Haunted Trail Events During October <br />Kenneth Short, 5115 Sherwood Dr. S., Motley, MN, has applied for a Special Event Permit to <br />hold a haunted trail walk to be known as "Hellwoods" to take place on the Woodloch Stable <br />(Ramberg) property, 5676 170th Street North, and on approximately 35 acres of the Macalus <br />property adjacent to the activity area on the Ramberg site. A Special Event Permit is required <br />because there are expected to be 2,500 attendees over the month of October, there will be <br />amplified sound, and it will extend after dark. This will be the third year this event has been <br />held, and there have been no problems in the past. Staff recommends Council approve the <br />Special Event permit for the haunted trail to be known as "Hellwoods" subject to conditions in <br />the staff memo. <br />G.8 Approve Resolution for No Parking on CSAH 7 <br />In response to a resident's inquiry, staff examined the parking situation along CSAH 7 on the <br />south side of Sunset Lake between Ingersoll Avenue and slightly south of 125th Street. The <br />curve in the road and existing shoulder width makes it difficult for people to park along the road <br />safely. Public Works Director Scott Anderson spoke to the County Traffic Engineer who agreed, <br />and he asked the City to pass a no parking resolution and make a request to the County to install <br />the signs. Staff recommends Council approve the resolution restricting parking along CSAH 7 in <br />the area south of Sunset Lake. <br />G.9 Approve Release of the Letter of Credit for OP3 Prairie Village LLC for Waters Edge <br />ith Addition <br />OP3 Prairie Village LLC has requested the City release their letter of credit for the Water's Edge <br />5th Addition Development. City staff has inspected the work and finds it acceptable. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the release of the letter of credit being held for the constructed <br />improvements in the Water's Edge 5th Addition Development. <br />G.10 Approve Release of the Letter of Credit for OP3 Prairie Village LLC for Prairie <br />Village 4th Addition <br />OP3 Prairie Village LLC has requested the City release their letter of credit for the Prairie <br />Village 4th Addition Development. City staff has inspected the work and finds it acceptable. <br />Staff recommends Council approve the release of the letter of credit being held for the <br />constructed improvements in the Prairie Village 4th Development. <br />