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Hugo will be required to inspect and maintain this culvert as outlined in the attached agreement. <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Culvert Maintenance Agreement for Elmcrest Avenue. <br />G.7 Approve Pay Voucher No. 9 for Water Tower No. 4 Project <br />CB &I, LLC, has submitted Pay Voucher No. 9 for work certified through April 14, 2020, on the <br />Water Tower No. 4 Improvement Project. Staff recommends Council approve Pay Voucher No. 9 <br />in the amount of $119,733.25. <br />H.1 Public Hearing Easement Vacation for Oneka Place 3rd Addition <br />CPDC- Pratt -Oakwood, LLP, is requesting a vacation of the existing drainage and utility <br />easement located over Outlot B and C, Oneka Place 3rd Addition. The outlots will be final platted <br />for the development of Oneka Place 4th Addition. New drainage and utility easements will be <br />placed on the lots and outlots at the time the final plat is recorded. Staff is comfortable with the <br />applicant's requests to vacate the drainage and utility easements. Staff recommends that the City <br />Council approve the notice to vacate the drainage and utility easement located over Outlots B and <br />C, Oneka Place 3rd Addition. <br />I.1 Resolutions Approving Final Plat and Development Agreement for Oneka Place 4th <br />Addition <br />CPDC- Pratt -Oakwood, LLP, is requesting approval of a final plat and development agreement to <br />plat 63 residential lots and 2 oultlots from the Oneka Place preliminary plat. This will develop <br />25.5 acres in property legally described as Outlot L, Oneka Place and Outlots B and C, Oneka <br />Place 3rd Addition. Staff recommends approval the resolution approving the Final Plat and <br />Development Agreement for Oneka Place 4th Addition. <br />I.2 Public Works Facility Update <br />Staff will provide an update on the proposed Public Works facility. <br />J.1 Resolutions and Ordinance Approving PUD and Preliminary Plat for Shores of Egg Lake <br />and a Site Plan for the Cattle House Restaurant: <br />Tony Harmening is requesting approval of a planned unit development (PUD), preliminary plat, <br />and site plan to construct an approximately 5,700 square foot restaurant building for Cattle House <br />Restaurant. The PUD general plan includes the restaurant for Phase 1 and for Phase 2 a 4,000 <br />square foot event center and three retail/office buildings totaling 10,100 square feet. The <br />preliminary plat will include one commercial lot and one outlot to be known as "Shores of Egg <br />Lake". The site plan approval is for 2 acres on the north side of the property and includes the <br />Cattle House restaurant, outdoor gathering spaces/amenities along the lake, and a parking lot. <br />Staff recommended approval of the applications to the Planning Commission, subject to the <br />conditions in the resolutions. At its April 23, 2020, meeting, the Planning Commission held a <br />public hearing and considered the requests. The Planning Commission unanimously <br />recommended approval of the resolutions and ordinance for the approval of the applications to the <br />City Council. <br />