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2020.05.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2020 CC Minutes
2020.05.04 CC Minutes
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6/2/2020 3:33:08 PM
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6/2/2020 3:33:03 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 4, 2020 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br /> <br /> <br />Erichson addressed Steffens concerns regarding the alignment with the road right-of-way. <br />Erichson stated the road alignment matched the easement. Steffens talked about a meeting two <br />years ago where she recalled Council saying the roadway would be decreased from 100 feet to <br />80 feet wide and was told the remaining 20 feet would revert back to the property owner. It was <br />her understanding the road would align along the east property line. Erichson will review the <br />construction plans and discuss them when he visits. <br /> <br />There were no other comments, and Weidt closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the notice to vacate the drainage and utility <br />easement located over Outlots B and C, Oneka Place 3rd Addition. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried <br /> <br />Resolutions Approving Final Plat and Development Agreement for Oneka Place 4th <br />Addition <br /> <br />During her presentation on the previous item, Community Development Director Rachel Juba <br />explained that CPDC- Pratt-Oakwood, LLP, had requested approval of a final plat and <br />development agreement to plat 63 residential lots and 2 outlots from the Oneka Place preliminary <br />plat. This would develop 25.5 acres in property legally described as Outlot L, Oneka Place and <br />Outlots B and C, Oneka Place 3rd Addition. Juba stated staff was recommending Council <br />approve the resolution approving the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Oneka Place <br />4th Addition. <br /> <br />Developer Len Pratt introduced John Bender from Westwood Engineering who talked about their <br />concerns over the widths of the 15-foot easements along lots on Empress Avenue on the west <br />boundary of the development. An easement wider than ten feet was requested by staff for <br />maintenance reasons because of the significant depth of the storm sewer pipe. Bender said they <br />could accommodate that, but it would require them to squeeze the lots together to provide for <br />deeper depth. The current lot widths allowed for a 57’ wide pad, but reducing them would only <br />allow for a 55’ wide pad. The builders were looking to maximize the values and home sizes on <br />the lots, and Bender stated they were asking for a 5’ side yard setbacks instead of the 7.5’, which <br />would allow for the 57’ wide pad site. Bender said he had spoken to Juba who told them a PUD <br />amendment would be necessary. He felt the cleanest way to do this was to proceed with <br />approval and work with staff on the appropriateness of a PUD amendment. Pratt added that <br />homebuilders say that two feet really matters to customers. Juba stated she had indicated it would <br />require an application for a PUD amendment which would include public notice. Mayor Weidt <br />pointed out that they had already been granted a 7.5’ side yard setback with the PUD, where 10’ <br />was required by ordinance. Juba stated that staff will continue to work with them on options. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2020-21 APPROVING <br />FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR CPDC – PRATT – OAKWOOD, <br />LLP, ON PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF ONEKA PARKWAY AND NORTH OF ETHAN <br />TRAIL NORTH FOR ONEKA PLACE 4th ADDITION. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br />
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