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2020.05.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2020 CC Minutes
2020.05.04 CC Minutes
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6/2/2020 3:33:08 PM
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6/2/2020 3:33:03 PM
City Council
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 4, 2020 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Public Works Facility Update <br /> <br />Public Works Director Scott Anderson provide an update on the proposed Public Works facility. <br />He provided a recap on what had been done so far. The needs study was completed in February, a <br />neighborhood meeting was held in March, and it was discussed at the Parks Commission meeting <br />in April, 2020. <br /> <br />Anderson explained staff had been working on the site plan and building floorplan layout, which <br />was about 95% complete. He had been meeting with mechanical engineers on details. WSB <br />Engineering was working on a preliminary wetland review, and a no-loss permit was expected <br />since there were no major wetlands on the site. Work was being done on the topography survey, <br />and soil boring should be done later that week. Looking ahead, staff would continue development <br />of the site plan, landscape plan, and construction specifications. Exterior building materials will <br />be selected. Staff will be providing the Irish Avenue Neighborhood information and looking for <br />their feedback. He will be presenting the project in depth to the Parks Commission and Planning <br />Commission in May, and will be looking for City Council approval in July. If authorized, bids <br />would be received in late July/early August. The contract would then be awarded in August and <br />the City could potentially break ground in September of this year. Anderson requested Council <br />schedule a workshop so he could provide a virtual tour of the plan and discuss progress. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to schedule a workshop for Thursday, May 14, 2020, at 3:00 <br />p.m. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried <br /> <br />Resolutions and Ordinance Approving PUD and Preliminary Plat for Shores of Egg Lake <br />and a Site Plan for the Cattle House Restaurant <br /> <br />Tony Harmening had requested approval of a planned unit development (PUD), preliminary plat, <br />and site plan to construct an approximately 5,700 square foot restaurant building for Cattle <br />House Restaurant. City Planner Rachel Juba explained the property was located on the west side <br />of Egg Lake and directly across from City Hall. The property is zoned C-and guided for mixed <br />use, which allowed for commercial, office, and residential uses. The PUD general plan included <br />the restaurant for Phase 1, and for Phase 2, a 4,000 square foot event center and three retail/office <br />buildings totaling 10,100 square feet. The preliminary plat would include one commercial lot and <br />one outlot to be known as “Shores of Egg Lake”. The applicant was only seeking approval of <br />Phase 1 at this time, and site plan approval was for two acres on the north side of the property <br />and included the Cattle House restaurant, outdoor gathering spaces/amenities along the lake, and <br />a parking lot. Juba explained the City had been marketing this property for quite some time, and <br />over the past few months, the applicant had been meeting with the EDA. In December, the <br />Council had approved a purchase agreement for this property. Next steps would be application <br />for a final plat and development agreement, then issuance of a building permit. In February, the <br />EDA had considered the site plan and found it to be consistent with the downtown plan. Juba <br />reviewed the site plan and the building architecture stating the landscaping exceeded standards, <br />and the site was pedestrian friendly. At its April 23, 2020, meeting, the Planning Commission <br />held a public hearing on the requests. There were no comments but staff did receive a phone call <br />from the adjacent property owner who stated he did not want the restaurant use. The Planning
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