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G.5 Approve Pay Voucher No. 6 to CB&I, LLC, for Water Tower No. 4 <br />The City has received Pay Voucher No. 6 from CB&I, LLC, for work on the Water Tower No.4 <br />project. Staff has reviewed the pay request and finds it acceptable for work certified through <br />September 30, 2019. Staff recommends Council approve payment in the amount of $226,852.70 <br />to CB&I, LLC, for the Water Tower No. 4 project. <br />G.6 Approve Resolutions Approving Site Plan and PUD Amendment for Heartland Credit <br />Union <br />LaMacchia Group, on behalf of Heartland Credit Union, is requesting site plan approval and a <br />PUD amendment for a 2,470 square foot retail bank branch building. The property is located on <br />the corner of Victor Hugo Boulevard North and Frenchman Road and is located within the <br />Victor Gardens North Village development. At the October 10, 2019 Planning Commission <br />meeting, staff recommended approval of the site plan and PUD amendment applications <br />submitted by LaMacchia Group to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission <br />recommended approval of the site plan and PUD amendment to the City Council, subject to the <br />conditions listed in the resolution. <br /> <br />I.1 Update on Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District <br />On Wednesday, October 9, 2109, the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District held a <br />meeting to present the proposed 2020 fiscal year budget and levy for the district, which was said <br />to have increased significantly. City Administrator Bryan Bear attended the meeting and invited <br />representatives to attend a Hugo City Council meeting. CMSCWD Administrator Mike Isensee <br />will be at the meeting to present information and answer questions. <br />I.2 CSAH 8 Trail Improvements & Stormwater Reuse <br />City of Hugo continues to work on goals related to stormwater reuse in an effort to reduce the <br />use of potable drinking water drawn from the aquifer for irrigation purposes. Staff has actively <br />pursued grants from various agencies for the County Road 8 Water Reuse Project. In 2017 the <br />City has received a $60,000 grant from the Rice Creek Watershed District as part of their Urban <br />Stormwater Remediation Cost-Share Program and most recently received $50,000 as part of a <br />Metropolitan Council Stormwater Grant. This project is estimated to utilize approximately 4- <br />million gallons of stormwater annually. The total anticipated project cost is $545,000 with a <br />total of $110,000 secured in grants to offset the City share of the project costs. Staff will to look <br />for additional funding opportunities. Staff simply wants to further discuss the level of interest in <br />this project and the direction the City wants to move forward with respect to this project. <br />J.1 Road Capital Improvement Plan and 2020 Project Selection <br />Staff has evaluated City streets by conducted pavement condition ratings and road tours to <br />prioritize improvement projects. The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) provides a schedule for <br />the various roadway improvements that are necessary to maintain the City streets in an effective <br /> <br />