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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 8, 2020 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br /> <br />the amount of $162,460.35 and Change Order No.2 related to the plant testing of the bituminous <br />resulting in a pay factor reduction of 20%. <br /> <br />Approve Joel Hoistad as New Building Official <br /> <br />In 2019, the City Council approved the advertisement for a new Building Official to replace <br />Chuck Preisler when we retires in November. Staff had interviewed seven applicants for the <br />position and selected Joel Hoistad to fill the position. This position would be slotted at Pay <br />Grade 8, Step 2, in the 2020 salary matrix. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring <br />of Joel Hoistad as the new Building Official with a start date of September 14, 2020. <br /> <br />Approval of Hugo Gardens Assessment Agreement for Sewer & Water Trunk Fees <br /> <br />At its August 17, 2020, the City Council approved the final plat and development agreement for <br />the Hugo Gardens development. The approval included the assessments for the water and sewer <br />trunk fees required for development by the City. Staff had included a draft of the assessment <br />agreement and terms in the packet and recommended approval of the resolution adopting the <br />special assessment for Hugo Gardens, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2020-47 ADOPTING <br />ASSESSMENTS FOR THE HUGO GARDENS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br /> <br />Approve Special Event Permit for Hugo Legion Tent Sales/Oktoberfest Celebration <br /> <br />The Hugo American Legion had applied for a Special Event Permit to hold a craft show and <br />Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 3, 2020. A Special Event Permit approved by Council was <br />necessary because alcohol will be sold outdoors, there may be more than 200 people in <br />attendance throughout the day, it will extend after dark, and there will be amplified music. <br />Attendance would be spread out during the day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The event would consist of <br />vendors outside in the parking lot area and inside the building. There would also be a D.J and a <br />beanbag tournament. Staff had worked with the applicant on amending their COVID <br />Preparedness Plan for the event. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Special Event <br />Permit for the Hugo American Legion to hold tent sales and an Oktoberfest celebration on <br />Saturday, October 3, 2020, subject to conditions. <br /> <br />Approve Reduction in Letter of Credit for Adelaide Landing 5th Addition <br /> <br />Adelaide Landing 5th Addition had significant work completed to date and The Excelsior Group <br />had requested a reduction in the letter of credit. The current letter of credit for the 5th Addition <br />was in the amount of $2,192,740. Staff had inspected the work completed to date and <br />recommended Council approve the reduction in the letter of credit to $507,633.44 based on the <br />value of work remaining to be completed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />reduction in the letter of credit for Adelaide Landing 5th Addition. <br /> <br />Approve “Adelaide Landing Park” as the Name of the New Park in Adelaide Landing <br /> <br />At their meeting of August 19, 2020, the Parks Commission recommended that the new park in <br />Adelaide Landing be named “Adelaide Landing Park”. Residents shared their ideas for the <br />future park name. The City of Hugo has a Park Naming Policy and “Adelaide Landing Park” <br />would be keeping with the policy. The new park was under construction and set to open at the