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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 20, 2021 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />the Consent Agenda approved payment to Peterson Companies, Inc. in the amount of <br />$581,383.57. <br />  <br />Approve Reduction in Cash Escrow for Hugo Gardens <br /> <br />The Hugo Gardens Project had grading and utility work completed to date, and the Hugo <br />Garden Apartments, LLC., had requested a reduction in the cash escrow. The current amount of <br />cash escrow for the Hugo Gardens Project was in the amount of $1,379,797.75. Staff had <br />inspected the work completed to date and recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the reduction in cash escrow to $1,338,696.47 based on the value of work <br />remaining to be completed. <br /> <br />Approve Short Term Rental Ordinance <br /> <br />Staff had received complaints on a short term rental facility that was advertised on the website <br />Vacation Rentals by Owner (VRBO). Staff had recommended to the City Council that an <br />ordinance be created to clarify whether short term rentals were allowed in the City. The City <br />Council, after the ordinance review committee met, had directed staff to draft an ordinance <br />prohibiting short term rentals in the City. At its September 9, 2021, meeting, the Planning <br />Commission held a public hearing on the ordinance prohibiting short term rentals, and no one <br />spoke. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the ordinance <br />prohibiting short term rentals in the City. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />ORDINANCE 2021-507 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 90, ARTICLE I IN <br />GENERAL, SECTION 90-1 DEFINITIONS AND AMENDING CHAPTER 90, ARTICLE VI <br />REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC USES AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, DIVISION <br />I GENERALLY, TO ADD SECTION 90-264 SHORT TERM RENTALS – PROHIBITED. <br /> <br />Approve Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance <br /> <br />At its August 16, 2021, meeting, the City Council authorized staff to revise several ordinances <br />because of inconsistencies and clarifications. One of them was the Adequate Public Facilities <br />ordinance. The Adequate Public Facilities ordinance outlined the public improvement <br />requirements for developments such as road construction, sewer and water, and stormwater <br />management. Staff identified that the ordinance needed minor revisions to clarify what <br />development applications it applied to such as subdivisions and property line adjustment. At its <br />September 9, 2021, meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the <br />ordinance. There was no one that spoke during the public hearing and Planning Commission <br />unanimously recommended to the City Council. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />ORDINANCE 2021-508 AN ORDINANCE REPLACING CHAPTER 90, ARTICLE VII, <br />LAND DIVISION AND PLATTING, SECTION 90-329 ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES. <br /> <br />Approve Authorization for Parks Commission to Evaluate the Park Dedication Fee <br /> <br />At their meeting of September 15, 2021, the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission <br />reviewed the Park Dedication Policy and did not recommended any changes to the policy. The <br />policy continued to be useful and was in keeping with Minnesota State Statute 462.358. The <br />park dedication fee was evaluated in 2010 and 2015 and had remained $2,400 per residential <br />unit. Per state statute, the fee must be based on the fair market value of the property being