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<br />G.5 Approve Resolution for No Parking on West Side of Farnham Avenue Between 149th <br />St. and Oneka Parkway <br /> <br />Staff has recently received a request from the Waters Edge Courtyard Home Association to <br />prohibit parking on the west side of Farnham Avenue North from 149th Street North to Oneka <br />Parkway North. The concern is that that the road is too narrow to allow for parking on both sides <br />of the roadway while still allowing traffic in both directions. Access to private roads and <br />mailbox accessibility was also raised. Farnham Avenue North is currently 35 feet wide as <br />measured from back-of-curb to back-of-curb. Based on MnDOT design guidelines for roadways <br />with on street parking, the existing road width would allow for parking on one side of the road <br />while still maintaining traffic in both directions. Staff recommends approval of the resolution <br />restricting parking along the west side of Farnham Avenue North from 149th Street North to <br />Oneka Parkway North. <br /> <br />G.6 Approve Resolution for No Parking along Oneka Parkway Between CSAH 8 and <br />Heritage Parkway <br /> <br />Oneka Parkway has been designated as a Municipal State Aid (MSA) roadway and will be <br />required to be constructed to meet the design requirements set forth by MnDOT as the City will <br />be expending MSA funds for the project. Staff would like to restrict parking along both sides <br />Oneka Parkway from Frenchman Road (CSAH 8) to Heritage Parkway as the proposed <br />pavement widths do not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street. <br />Prior to this project, parking was prohibited on Oneka Parkway between Frenchman Road <br />(CSAH 8) and Heritage Parkway. Staff recommends approval of the resolution restricting <br />parking along both sides Oneka Parkway from Frenchman Road (CSAH 8) to Heritage Parkway. <br /> <br />G.7 Approve Ryan Nadeau as Training Lieutenant on the Hugo Fire Department <br /> <br />The training lieutenant position was vacated when Jason Palmquist was promoted to the training <br />captain. The three chiefs interviewed four firefighters interested in the open lieutenant position <br />and selected Ryan Nadeau for the training lieutenant position effective May 1st 2022. Ryan will <br />no longer be an engineer on the fire department. Staff recommends Council approve Ryan <br />Nadeau as the new Training Lieutenant on the Hugo Fire Department <br /> <br />G.8 Approve Resignation of Firefighter Billy Lusk from the Hugo Fire Department <br /> <br />Firefighter Billy Lusk has submitted his letter of resignation from the department due conflicts <br />with his new employment. Billy has been on the department since August of 2018. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the letter of resignation from Billy Lusk effective immediately. <br /> <br />G.9 Approve Public Works Summer Seasonal Employees <br /> <br />Staff is requesting Council approval to hire seasonal employees for the public works <br />department. In the 2022 General Fund Budget, Council approved funding for five seasonal <br />employee positions. There are two seasonal workers, Martin Jorgenson and Russ Pastorious, <br />who will be returning from last year. Staff had interviewed new potential hires and are <br />recommending approval of two new seasonal employees. Staff is still searching for additional <br />applicants and will be coming forward with another request at a later time. Seasonal Public