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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 16, 2022 <br />Page 7 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2022-30 APPROVING <br />PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS <br />2022 ONEKA PARKWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Review Premier Bank Sketch Plan <br /> <br />Premier Bank had requested informal comments on a sketch plan for commercial development <br />on a 0.76-acre parcel for a 4,368 square foot bank with a drive-through. The property is currently <br />occupied by a residential home on the northwest corner of 147th Street and Highway 61. The <br />property was zoned Future Central Business (FCB) and located in the area of the City where <br />development is guided by the Downtown Plan and Design Guidelines. The applicant was <br />proposing to rezone the property to Central Business (C-1) to accommodate a commercial use. <br />The applicant was also proposing a drive-through lane for the commercial business. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba reviewed the plan which showed access off Flay <br />Avenue, parking on the west side, and a drive-through lane that wrapped around the building <br />counter clockwise to a canopy along Highway 61. The property was in an area identified as the <br />Downtown Central Business District in the Downtown Plan that was adopted in 2007. She <br />explained the guidelines for downtown development was a mixed use of buildings. Auto- <br />dominated development was discouraged and a drive-through was auto oriented. The 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan guided the property as Mixed Use, which encouraged parcels to be <br />consolidated for well planned development with transitions between uses. The zoning of the <br />property was Future Central Business that allowed for residential uses until the landowner made <br />an application for development. The applicant was proposing to rezone to Central Business for <br />the commercial use and would also need a Conditional Use Permit for the drive-through and a <br />variance for drive-through stacking. If the drive-through was approved, any future business <br />with a drive-through could located on the property. <br /> <br />Prior to 2003, all properties in the area were zoned commercial, which made the homes non- <br />conforming so they were unable to add on to the homes, refinance, or sell. Residents petitioned <br />to rezone to FCB district. Juba stated it was unclear from the minutes from that time whether it <br />was intended to be master planned or parcels redeveloped individually. She recommended the <br />Planning Commission hold a neighborhood meeting to provide the property owners background <br />on the zoning and information on how the area might develop. <br /> <br />Juba provided details of the sketch plan noting that a drive-through business could be loud and <br />disruptive in a residential zoning district. The applicant said they would use landscaping but <br />staff was unsure how well it would block the noise. She reviewed the design guidelines that <br />stated buildings should be oriented toward the street. The sketch plans showed the building more <br />central to the site, and the Hardwood Creek Trail limited how close they could be to the street. <br />Access should also be off a collector road, so staff would want access off 147th Street. Since it <br />abutted TH61, MnDOT would need to review the plan. She said staff had not evaluated the new <br />renderings, and the design guidelines required specific architecture they would need to meet.