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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 17, 2022 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br /> <br />Areawide Review (AUAR) as part of the Everton Avenue Neighborhood Study. Minnesota Rules <br />4410.3610, Subd. 7, required the document to be reviewed and updated every five years until all <br />development in the study area had received final approval. The last update to the plan was in <br />October, 2017. All required agencies had commented, and no revisions were required. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2022-68 AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION <br />OF THE EVERTON AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREAWIDE <br />REVIEW (AUAR) UPDATE 2022. <br /> <br />Receive Feasibility Study and Set Public Hearing for Birch Tree Ponds Neighborhood <br /> <br />Mark Erichson reminded Council they had previously authorized staff to prepare a feasibility study <br />for the 2023 Birch Tree Ponds Area Street Improvement Project, and a neighborhood meeting was <br />held on September 29, 2022, to discuss the project. He presented information on the project <br />showing the project location and explained which roads would need a partial street reconstruction <br />and which roads would be an urban roadway mill and overlay project. Utility improvements were <br />being proposed for watermain isolation valves and some sanitary sewer maintenance. The sanitary <br />sewer would be televised to make repairs to it if needed prior to road repairs. <br /> <br />Erichson said the feasibility study had been completed, and the total project cost was estimated at <br />$2,113,700. According to the Assessment Policy last updated in 2013, the assessment rate for the <br />partially reconstructed street would be $4,100 per unit, and streets with the urban roadway overlay <br />would be $2,100 per unit. The total being assessed would be $672,900, or 31.8%, of the total <br />project cost. <br /> <br />Erichson provided a proposed schedule for the project. If the Council accepted the feasibility <br />study this evening, the public hearing would be set for November 21, 2022. A neighborhood open <br />house would be held in January, 2023. Construction would take place June-September, 2023, and <br />the assessment hearing would take place in October 2023. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2022-69 RECEIVING THE <br />FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2023 BIRCH <br />TREE PONDS AREA STREET IMPROVEMENTS. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Hopkins Schoolhouse Update <br /> <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear reminded Council of its February 7, 2022, meeting, where they <br />listened to an update from the Hopkins Schoolhouse Committee and learned of their desire to save <br />the schoolhouse. There was consensus of the Council that the committee should reach out to the <br />community to see if there was an ambitious group to save the schoolhouse, and they were given a <br />six-month deadline. A community meeting was held on April 23, 2022, to gather those interested <br />in saving the schoolhouse, and the meeting resulted in a group that had since been working on a <br />plan since. This group met with staff on October 6, 2022. Bear shared that the plan they presented <br />would involve conversion of the structure into a heritage center and recreation hub. Bear stated <br />the group was very organized but needed a few more months to work on funding source details. <br />The group requested approval to tarp the roof to prevent more water damage in the meantime. The