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<br /> <br />G.13 Approve Temporary Liquor License for Hugo Lions Club for Tough Mudder on July <br />8-9, 2023 <br /> <br />The Hugo Lions Club has applied for a Temporary Liquor License to sell beer and seltzers at the <br />Tough Mudder on July 8-9, 2023, at Wild Wings Game Farm. Staff has received the permit <br />application, fee, and proper insurance. Staff recommends Council approve the Temporary <br />Liquor License for the Lions Club for the Tough Mudder on July 8-9, 2023, subject to receipt of <br />the permit fee. <br /> <br />G.14 Approve Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for Raffle at Shoot for the Troops Event <br />on August 15, 2023 <br /> <br />Shoot for the Troops has applied for a Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit to hold raffles at their <br />shooting event to be held at Wild Wings on August 15, 2023. These permits need to be approved <br />by the City before being issued by the state. Staff recommends Council approve the Lawful <br />Gambling permit for Shoot for the Troops. <br /> <br />G.15 Approve Limited Use Permit for TH 61 Roundabout <br /> <br />The TH 61 and 159th Street Reconstruction is utilizing funding from MnDOT to complete the <br />improvements. Therefore, the City is required to execute a Limited Use Permit (LUP) with <br />MnDOT for the portion of the trail within the TH 61 (Forest Boulevard N) right-of-way. A <br />portion of the trail that falls within the MnDOT TH 61 (Forest Boulevard N) right-of-way and <br />the LUP. The LUP is limited to the construction, maintenance, and operation of the trail within <br />the TH 61 (Forest Boulevard N) right-of-way. Staff recommends approval of the LUP as the use <br />of the TH 61 (Forest Boulevard N) right-of-way to promote safe crossing of the highway. <br /> <br />G.16 Approve Cooperative Construction Agreement with MnDOT for TH 61 Roundabout <br /> <br />The City of Hugo was successful in the Local Partnership Program grant application and will be <br />receiving $710,000 in funds for the TH 61 and 159th Street Reconstruction project. It is <br />recommended that the City of Hugo enter into MnDOT Agreement No. 1052505 with the State <br />of Minnesota, Department of Transportation to provide for payment by the State to the City of <br />the State's share of the costs of the roundabout construction and other associated construction to <br />be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 61 at 159th Street North within <br />the corporate City limits under State Project No. 8206-53. The State will be finalizing the <br />standard Cooperative Construction Agreement between the State and City. Staff is requesting <br />authorization for the Mayor and City Engineer to sign this agreement once received, subject to <br />City Attorney review and approval. This will help keep the project on schedule considering City <br />Council meeting cancellation on June 19th. Staff recommends Council approve the resolution to <br />enter into MnDOT Agreement No. 1052505 for TH 61 & 159th Street Reconstruction. <br /> <br />G.17 Approve Amended Personnel Policy to Include Juneteenth as a City Holiday <br /> <br />A law to establish Juneteenth as a state-recognized holiday was signed into law in February, <br />2023, and was to go into effect on August 1, 2023. A provision included in the state and local <br />government omnibus bill adjusted that date to make the holiday required this year. State law <br />prohibits transactions of public business on state holidays. Staff recommends Council approve <br />the amendment to the City Personnel Policy to include Juneteenth as a City Holiday. <br /> <br />