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Council Meeting Minutes for June 12, 2023 <br />Page 7 of 12 <br /> <br /> <br />street construction. The applicant had proposed to replace the impacts to the wetland basin <br />though the purchase of wetland credits from an approved wetland bank. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the wetland replacement plan, subject to final Technical Evaluation Panel <br />issuance of the Notice of Decision for the wetland replacement application. <br /> <br />Approve Encroachment Agreement for 16212 Empress Avenue North <br /> <br />Benjamin and Kindra Lesnau had requested an encroachment agreement to allow construction of <br />a sport court within a drainage and utility easement on property located at 16212 Empress <br />Avenue North. The Senior Engineering Technician had reviewed the location of the sport court <br />and was comfortable with the request. Staff had reviewed the request and recommended that the <br />City Council approve the encroachment agreement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION 2023-12 APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT TO ALLOW <br />CONSTRUCTION OF A SPORT COURT AND CONCRETE WITHIN A DRAINAGE AND <br />UTILITY EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 16212 EMPRESS AVENUE <br />NORTH. <br /> <br />Approve Encroachment Agreement for 13144 Geneva Avenue North <br /> <br />Staff added this to the Consent Agenda. Drake and Kelsey Myhrman had requested an <br />encroachment agreement to allow construction of a retaining wall within a drainage and utility <br />easement on property located at 13144 Geneva Avenue North. The Senior Engineering <br />Technician had reviewed the location of the retaining wall and was comfortable with the request. <br />Staff has reviewed the request and recommends that the City Council approve the encroachment <br />agreement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2023-13 <br />APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A <br />RETAINING WALL AND CONCRETE WITHIN A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY <br />EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13144 GENEVA AVENUE NORTH. <br /> <br />Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement for Adelaide Landing <br /> <br />At the request of the applicant, staff recommended Council table the public hearing scheduled <br />for this evening. Staff would re-notice the public hearing when ready. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to table the public hearing until the applicant was ready. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Plans and Spec and Authorize Advertisement for Bids for TH 61 Roundabout <br /> <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson explained the City has collaboratively worked with the <br />development team for the Shores of Oneka Lake regarding access to TH 61. The developer <br />would be responsible for costs associated with the construction of the roundabout and have <br />prepared plans that were currently in the final review stages with the Minnesota Department of <br />Transportation. MNDOT would not allow a developer to lead a project of this nature on their <br />highway system coupled with the successful Local Partnership Program Grant the City received