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Council Meeting Minutes for June 12, 2023 <br />Page 9 of 12 <br /> <br /> <br />conditions that could be proposed. She explained that most of the proposed changes by the ORC <br />included the performance standards such as increased setbacks, limiting the size of solar farms to <br />five acres, pollinator friendly plants, and vegetation at least six feet tall with a management plan. <br />The ORC also proposed imposing additional setbacks based on the type of landscaping. She <br />recommended the Council discuss the ORC’s proposed revisions and authorize a public hearing <br />to be held at the Planning Commission on the revisions. She said the Council could also send it <br />back to the ORC if the Council wanted it to be reviewed by them further. The moratorium would <br />expire on August 6, 2023, and in order to provide notice for a public hearing on the ordinance <br />revisions, she recommended the adoption of an ordinance extending the moratorium an <br />additional six-months. <br /> <br />Strub asked about the five-acre maximum rationale. Juba explained the ORC wanted solar farms <br />limited to one megawatt, and one megawatt was typically five acres. <br /> <br />Miron, recalled that the recommendation was not driven by energy production but by visual <br />appearance of the solar farm. Maybe over time when solar farms become more efficient, more <br />energy could be produced on a smaller footprint. <br /> <br />Petryk asked if an applicant could ask for a variance from the five acres. Juba replied it was a <br />performance standard, and it could be requested if there was a compelling reason. Petryk asked <br />about the types of pollinator plants. Juba replied that a landscape plan would be required and be <br />part of the maintenance of the site. <br /> <br />Weidt’s opinion was he liked the five-acre limit and could fit into a neighborhood without a lot <br />of impact. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve. ORDINANCE NO. 2023- 526 EXTENDING <br />A TEMPORARY MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR FARM SOLAR <br />ENERGY SYSTEMS AND DIRECTING A STUDY TO BE CONDUCTED. <br /> <br />Miron added that there was a desire to not overly restrict residents’ property rights but to make <br />sure it fits the landscape. He felt it was important to point out that the current project on 165th <br />exceeds the proposed performance standards. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to proceed with the proposed provisions and <br />schedule a public hearing at the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Proposal to Develop North Star Wetland Bank Prospectus <br /> <br />Parks Planner Shayla Denaway provided an update on North Star Wetland Bank. At the Council <br />meeting of May 22, 2022, authorization was given to WSB and Associates to do vegetation and <br />hydrology monitoring and prepare a draft prospectus (scope) for the North Star Wetland Bank. In