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City. This was our first home. While the townhome off of Flay needed some love, Hugo was <br /> what we were buying into and making our home. <br /> Then in 2015, when we could afford to step up in house quality and corresponding mortgage, <br /> we quickly jumped on the chance to move into a townhome in Waters Edge. <br /> Why? While it was nicer and slightly bigger to meet our growing needs, it had an outstanding <br /> view of the water retention ponds. I mean gorgeous views of the lakes, perfectly framed in with <br /> the cast iron classic streetlights on Oneka Parkway. <br /> However, two years later we had to sell and move out west for three years. When we got the <br /> chance to move back to Minnesota we didn't hesitate to come right back to Waters Edge! We <br /> could have gone anywhere, but to us Hugo was home. As I said Lydia grew up in Ham Lake, <br /> and I grew up in Kansas City, but Hugo is where we want to be. <br /> Hugo is our home. <br /> When we got the chance to buy another townhome in Waters Edge it was off of Fanning Drive. <br /> The seller's agent said to us on the phone "You can't beat this view in all of the association! It's <br /> breathtaking!" Lydia and I felt that was a hard bar to clear, given we had a "lake view", but <br /> have to say, after living here for 4 years and counting, she was right. <br /> My townhome faces the Everton lot in question. It is the view directly out of my living room, <br /> front door, and third story master bedroom suite. <br /> can't tell you how many mornings I have gotten up and opened my curtains, just to admire <br /> the view. From the horses that run on both lots flanking the proposed solar farm, to the fog that <br /> blankets the landscape in the early mornings. I gave the City Planning Commission, one of my <br /> many countless pictures that I have taken of the fields across from me. It truly is remarkable to <br /> have that sort of untouched beauty to look at every day. <br /> This is not a boast, but Lydia and I have the means to buy a bigger house somewhere else, but <br /> we have chosen to stay here for no other reason than we love it here, we love it simply for the <br /> character of the neighborhood, its aesthetics, and its views. <br /> We love it so much, we in fact attempted to put an offer on the property in question, back in <br /> 2021, but never got real reciprocation from the listing agent. <br /> As people with real estate backgrounds, we are aware of how much a home with a view means <br /> to people. <br /> We all know the saying about real estate that "Its all about location, location, location". <br /> People are willing to pay a premium to have a nice backdrop surrounding their house and a <br /> nice neighborhood. I am not talking about property values here, I am talking about the fact that <br /> it deeply matters to people where they live and what they are looking at, and people are willing <br />